Red Robin x Reader

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We may not choose to believe it, but words hurt us.

I hate you.

And we can get so caught up in these words, that we say it to ourselves.

You're so stupid - why would you do that?

Then we say it to others, even if we don't entirely mean it.

Leave me alone.  

Maybe we say it because we're upset that they're said to us.

I don't want to see your face anymore.

And we want to return the words to someone else.

I don't love you anymore.  

Sometimes we just forget the consequences of our words more than our actions.

I hate you. I wish I never loved you.

Statements started out small, never really meaning much other than just wanting to let them know they were doing something wrong, or it was bothering you.

"Tim, babe," you sighed, entering the lounge. The sun was beginning to dim just below the hills, creating a glow across Tim's features.

His head slowly turned to you, eyes darting in confusion. "Yes?"

"It was your turn to do the washing today," you said, sitting down on the couch, not too far for him suspect anything.

"Shit," he mumbled, standing up from the couch. "I'll-"

"I already did it," you stated, maybe harsher than you intended. The words came out, still.

"I really am sorry," Tim said, sitting next to you. His arm wrapped around your shoulders in an attempt of comfort. "I promise I'll it tomorrow - and the day after," he quickly added, smiling genuinely at you. You smiled back, knowing that your passiveness was holding you back from what you really wanted to say. Because even then, he still didn't do the washing.

It wouldn't have been a few weeks later when the words wanted to come back, but you forced them down admissibly. 

"You've been coming home later than usual," you said that morning, fingers dancing between Tim's shoulder blades.

You both knew he was tired from his missions, but he would remind you anyway. "I know, it's just- the team needs me, you know?"

Nodding silently, you watched him get out of bed and enter the bathroom, not offering a single look or smile.

I still miss you, you thought, resting back down on the bed, eyes staring at the bleak ceiling. You suddenly had the thought of Tim not missing you when he was away on missions. Regretting it instantly, you pushed it away. You're so stupid for not noticing, you thought. Why would you do that?

A sixty-three hour period passed a few days over a week later when Tim hadn't responded to any of your texts or calls.

"Are you sure you haven't heard from him?" You asked, tears threatening to fall as you bit your thumbnail.

"Positive," Dick said. "Nothing from the Titans either."

Sighing, you ran your spare hand through your unkempt hair. "What about Bruce?" You said, knowing that on the other side of the phone, Bruce was close and listening. "Has he-"

And almost as if he knew, Tim walked into the flat, his face bearing a bright smile. Ending the call, you turned to Tim. You both expected a hug from one-another, but you were too entirely unnerved to move any closer to him.

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