Blue Beetle x Reader

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Requested by: Lady_Skyla


Y/N = Your Name


It was another bright day, and the entire team were under the sun on the beach. I grumbled as I tried to figure out one of the algebra questions, letting my pen drawl around the page and leave a large scribble on the page. 

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Jaime called out from the water, a bright grin on his face. "Jump in!" I rolled my eyes at his child-like antics. 
"I can't," I called back, "I need to study for this test."
"Test, shmest," Bart rolled, speeding over and taking away my book and pen. 
"Hey! Give those back!" I reached out to take back my book and pen, only for Bart to pull it away even further. 
"Please, Bart! I need that to-"
"Yeah, yeah; pass your test," he said with a patronizing tone. "We want to play a game of volleyball but we're a man short - and you're joining." I glared up at Bart. 
"Fine. But one game."

We split into different teams; Robin, Cassie and Jaime in one team, with Garfield, Bart and myself on the other. Conner was in charge of refereeing the game, leaning back in one of the beach chairs set out, whilst everyone else seemed to be watching intensely with eager grins. 

I smirked deviously at Jaime, who had a determined look on his face.
"You're going down!" Jaime laughed fakely at my comment.
"We'll just see about that, amigo!"

I felt a small flutter in my stomach when he smiled directly my way, but quickly pushed away any feeling as Conner began to explain the rules.
". . . and lastly; no powers. Paper, scissors, rock to see who begins." 

Bart was quick to rush over, along with Jaime who seemed far too fixated the small game. It took a while, with the pair continuously matching at the end of each round, but eventually Bart won. Bart let out a victorious cheer, taking the ball and rushing back over. I gave him a quick high five as he passed, getting into a ready position. 
"Let's do this!" 

The current score was a tie, with equal amount of games won between teams. The only ones without sweat dripping down them was Bart and Cassie, both on obvious accounts. 
"Last game, guys. Make it count."

I spared a glance at Jaime, staring as sweat dripped down his own body as he ran his hands through his hair. It wasn't until Bart threw the ball at my head I managed to get knocked back into reality. 
"H-hey!" I cried, rubbing my head as I picked up the ball. 
"Saw you staring." Bart smirked and winked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, digging my feet into the sand. 
"Shut up, McFly."
"I still don't get that reference." I let out a loud laugh at the speedsters confusion at the reference of the 1980's character, completely unaware that I had managed to catch the attention of a particular bug. 

The last round was tense, with both sides eager to win. But it was the final straw when I jumped up above the net, slamming the ball straight down to the other side. Everyone let out a chorus of cheers aside from Jaime, Tim and Cassie. 
"We did it! We won!" Bart cheered, enveloping me into a hug. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back, grinning also. 

"That's so not fair!" Jaime said, walking over to us and crossing his arms with a glare. 
"Awh, don't be such a sore loser, Blue! Just because you can't-"
"Woah, woah, woah, boys!" I quickly cut in before the argument could get anymore heated. "It was just a game, okay?" 

Jaime didn't seem so convinced, his glare and pout still prominent. 
"How's about we settle this with a game of chicken?" I suggested, a slight grin on my face. 
"What's 'chicken'?" 

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