Nightwing x Reader

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Requested by: leafs1234


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"Ready?" Dick asked as he prepped his escrima sticks. I grinned and span my bo staff around a few times. 
"I haven't been able to kick butt in over a week - you know I am." We had spent well over a month attempting to infiltrate a drug operation that had been going on between the Joker and Penguin. We knew it was dangerous going in, which is why we spent so long working on it. Dick smirked at my response, before kicking down the door and running inside the warehouse, me following in closely.
"Alright!" Dick hollered, gaining everyone's attention. "Everyone put your weapons down and hands in the air!" I looked around the room to see only Cobblepot and his men in warehouse. Joker must've skipped out.
"What are they doing here?!" One of the men asked loudly.
"Didn't you know?" I replied. "We're the ones who're gonna kick you straight into Arkham."

The men let loose on their firearms, and we managed to jump out of the way in time.
"Get them!" Penguin roared as he pulled out his own gun, firing and narrowly missing my head. I wasn't given a break for long, as one of the men quickly appeared in front of me, swiping with his knife. I maneuvered my bo staff, knocking the weapon out of his hand, before knocking him up the jaw with the end of the staff. I flipped over the box, and began to take down the remaining men. Kicking one in the head, I saw Penguin attempting to make a run for it, pushing his men down as he did so. I sprinted and landed with a flip in front of him.
"Where do you think you're going, Cobblepot?" He growled at me and reached into the inside of his jacket. My eyes widened when I saw the glint of a gun, and I almost managed to hit it away. But the bullet managed to find its way into my side. I let out loud scream, putting my hand over the wound. I fought through the pain, however, whacking Cobblepot in the face with the bo staff. He hit the ground with a large groan, holding his jaw. 

"(S/H/N)!" Dick called out, sprinting over and catching me as I stumbled backwards. "You're shot!" I shook my head.
"I-I'm fine. . . it's just a scratch," I said, making myself stand up as waves of pain flooded through me. Dick looked down to see blood trickling down my side, my hand smeared in it. 
"Doesn't seem like a scratch." I blinked furiously.
"Where's-" I looked around the warehouse to see that Cobblepot had managed to escape. A string of curse words spilled from my mouth, from annoyance or pain, I had no clue. 
"Just get me back to the Batcave. . ."

I exhaled sharply as Barbara made a small knot with the string, cutting it before dabbing the stitches with alcohol. I sat up slowly when she put away the medical kit, examining the new battle scar in the mirror opposite me.  
"You should let it breathe for a while, try not to overwork yourself," Barbara noted, staring at it too. I nodded, bringing my singlet back down. "Bruce wants to talk to you; about, well, you know." I sighed.
"I know, Bab's." I looked over at her as she smiled sympathetically. "I know."

"What were you thinking?" Bruce asked as he stalked over to me. I crossed my arms over my chest.
"It was just an accident."
"An accident?" Dick scoffed. "You almost died!" I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, except I didn't!"
"(Y/N), you're thinking about this all wrong-"
"No, Bruce, I'm not. You guys have gotten hurt way more than I have tonight; I'm tougher than I allow others to think."
"That's not the point!" Dick yelled, slamming his hands on the computer desk. 
"Look, if this is about what happened to Jason-"
"This has nothing to do with Jason," Bruce quickly stated, his jaw tightening at the touchy subject. 
"Then what is it! I'm alive, for gods sake! It was just an accident!" I turned to Dick. "You've been shot before, and this 'talk', or whatever stupid lecture is, never happened to you. I'm not weak, I'm not fragile, I'm not. . . indisposed. Stop treating me like a kid." Dick stalked up to me tautly. 
"You don't understand, do you?" I narrowed my eyes.
"Please, enlighten me." Dick returned the glare, and opened his mouth to speak before quickly shutting it. 
"It's late - you should both get some rest, after tonight." I glanced at Bruce before looking back at Dick. I turned on my heel, and went back up stairs, wondering what Dick wasn't telling me. 

I ran a finger gingerly over the wound that now only mimicked the body of a gun shot. It had taken almost a month, but now I knew I still wouldn't be able to wear bikini's for a long time. I sighed and continued to pull on my suit, then made my way down to the Batcave. We had gotten word that Penguin was going to attempt another sale with Joker, and we were sure that we were going to pin him on this one. 
"We enter as one," Bruce said, showing us a scan of the warehouse. "It's important that none of us do anything rational." Bruce looked at me before scanning over the rest of us. I clenched my jaw and stared at the screen, knowing fully well that his words were aimed at me. I glanced at Dick from the corner of my eye, seeing that he was staring at me. 
"You ready for this?" I asked him. 
"Are you?" 
"Sure," I said. "Not gonna let him get away with shooting me, am I?" I grinned at him. 

"Oh, Batman and kiddies," Cobblepot greeted as we entered, "didn't think you'd show up after our last incident. Get them!" He ordered. A fury of bullets flew past us. I grunted and hid behind one of the crates. 
"More guns? Really? Do these guys have any creativity?" I sighed, pulling out a few birdarangs and throwing them at the men. With them distracted, I climbed up the crates, prepping my bo staff. I smirked and jumped down, flipping the staff and knocking the two men out. I let a small laugh of victory, before bullets began to whiz past me. I ducked out of the way, grabbing more birdarangs and knocking the man out. I was quickly met by another man with a gun, pointed straight at my head. I smirked, using the end of my bo staff to knock it out of his hand and kicking it back at his head, knocking him out instantly. 
"Did you see that?!" I asked with a wide grin as I turned to Dick, who had just took down the last gunman. He looked back at me and nodded, grinning also. I let out a laugh as I continued. "Because I will not be doing that a-"

A sudden tear in my abdomen stopped me, and I staggered backwards, collapsing to the ground.
"That's for last time, considering I missed," Cobblepot cackled before he left the warehouse. I took sharp breaths as I strained my stomach, the piercing feeling shooting through my body over and over. Dick was over at my side instantly, a string of curses leaving his mouth.
"No, no, fucking- oh, my God. No!" He lifted me into his lap, tears streaming down his face. "P-please, (Y/N)! Y-you're going to be okay!"
"Ambulance is on it's way," Bruce said, his voice wavering as well. I glanced at him, both of us knowing that I wasn't going to make it. But Dick didn't. 
"I-I didn't even get to tell you," he whispered, his hands caressing my face.
"T-tell me," I gasped.
"I love you, (Y/N). I love you so much, a-and I didn't even tell you until now." A smile slowly crawled onto my lips. 
"I-I love you, too." 

Dick looked at my wound, his face grimacing slightly.
"Does it hurt?" He asked. I kept my eyes trained on his face, wanting it to be the last thing I saw. I shook my head, despite the waves of pain.
"No, i-it doesn't. Not anymore. Because you, Richard 'Dick' Grayson, are the best thing that has happened to me, and anyone ever - and I am eternally grateful for that." Dick let out a loud sob. I slowly lifted my hand to his face, smiling at him. And as I drew my last breath, I whispered, "I am so proud of you, you - my little boy wonder." 


I am legitimately beginning to think about training with a bo staff because just doing self-defense is literally boring me to death. . . haha death. . . it's inescapable - remember that kids.

I couldn't actually find the GIF of him saying that thing so this was the next best thing

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I couldn't actually find the GIF of him saying that thing so this was the next best thing.

Hope you guys enjoyed me little rant from last time ;) IM JUST SO FREAKING EXCITED 

ALSO MY NEW GREEN LANTERN/HAL JORDAN FANFIC IS UP! IT'S CALLED "Cosmoygyral" PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT ((Updates will be slower than on here so please be calm and patient for me I am still trying to figure out where I am trying to go with the entire thing))

If you would like to submit anything please feel free to do so by either commenting or messaging me directly. 

Chika chika


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