i cried while writing this

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okay so in case some of you are not aware, yesterday there was a mass shooting in christchurch, new zealand. i live in wellington (the captial of nz) so i guess you could say i am safe.

but i am so fucking angry at everything that has happened.

49 people have been shot - that is the equivalent of about 2,600 US citizens - thats the scale of our country. 49 people. meaning that someone we know knows someone who knew someone in the mosque that was shot in. it is the biggest shooting our country has ever seen.

this white supremacist asshole thought he could come to our country and start terrorizing people. he thought he could start something and become a famous shooter. hes wrong. he is more than wrong.

this unprecedented violence should NEVER have been able to cross our borders. he should NEVER been able to do this. its disgusting. its revolting.

NZ parliament and the NZ police have labeled this as an act of terrorism. he was not mentally ill or unstable. he planned it perfectly - on a friday where the biggest prayer would be held. it was a terrorist act against muslims - against people of NZ. 

"New Zealand is their home - they are us." - (Auntie) Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of NZ.

the man had attatched a camera to his chest and begun a live stream of the event as he was murdering people. this video is still going around and if you see it DO NOT WATCH IT. DO NOT SHARE IT. DO NOT COMMENT. do not let his actions go around because this can make people think that this kind of disgusting shit is OKAY. IT IS NOT. do not let him become famous like he wants. 

i am so sorry to all of the families. i am so sorry to all the people who shouldve felt safe. i am so sorry to those who no longer feel safe. this was your home and no one should be hurt because of who you are.

and if you're in christchurch please feel free to speak to me i am here to listen and i want to know your story.

and while they're not perfect, the police here aren't corrupt. They are here to help anyone who feels unsafe, and they will be taking measures to keep Muslims safe especially. already they're not letting white people into the mosque in christchurch. 

during the live stream, the man constantly shouted "SUB TO PEWDIEPIE"

this is what pewdiepie posted when he heard about it

while there have been cases where felix has had a slip up (many im sure i dont have to name), i am not here to defend or offend him

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while there have been cases where felix has had a slip up (many im sure i dont have to name), i am not here to defend or offend him. however, many times he has told his fanbase that many of his joke are sarcastic, and his videos are satirical. but this "sub to pewdiepie" nonsense needs to stop now. this can trigger peoples PTSD of the event, especially if they have seen the video of the shooting (which i repeat YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH IT. DO NOT SHARE IT OR LIKE IT).

but i do believe the shooter only used pewdiepie and trumps names in order to become even more famous, NOT because he neccessarily agrees w whateve they say. but please stop linking these people to the shooting because its the shooters fault. 

49 people dead, more in hospital. 

i dont even know what to say at this point i just my message to get out. no one feels safe - this shows that no where is safe. not even a country that increased its quota on refugees.  a 66 year old witness is in tears because she thought she would never witness something like this in her life time.

  a 66 year old witness is in tears because she thought she would never witness something like this in her life time

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stay safe

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stay safe. stay strong. fight against hate. protect each other.

i do not know how to cope with this. i dont know what to do. i feel scared and angy. i want to know this man will pay for the crimes he has committed. i want to cry because some people will feel okay about this. this was not okay. this should never have happened

i want my home to feel safe again

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