Kid Flash x Reader

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Requested by: Skybolina


Y/N = Your Name

* * *

"Is everyone in position?" Kaldur asked through the mind link.

"Affirmative," you responded, squatting behind a car, preparing your weapon of attack.

Wally responded to Kaldur's question next to you, his eyes briefly connecting with yours. "You should probably wait for me to go in first," he said.

You rolled your eyes. "Last time I did that I ended up having to carry your ass back to M'gann's ship." You grinned at the way his face heated up, his eyes glaring at the abandoned warehouse in front of you. "But, I think you might need to take out some of the guns before the rest of us enter."

When Kaldur gave the order, you let Wally head in first, before jumping out from behind the car and going in. Entering alongside the rest of the team, you took your weapon, ready to hit the enemy in front of you before Wally had already taken them out.

"I had that!" You growled, already ready to fight the next enemy in front of you.

"I know," Wally said, appearing next to you with a smirk. "I just wanted to help you out a little."

"I don't need your help, idiot."

With a brief shrug, Wally quickly took out the man heading towards you, before speeding off to another part of the warehouse.

* * *

It was the last week of being at Keystone High, and the school had decided to let the seniors head out to the beach. Preferring to sit and relax, you sat on the sand, watching and taking videos of your friends and Wally having fun during their final week of high school.

When they had gone swimming in the sea, you decided to study for a few minutes in preparation for your upcoming finals. However, you were stopped midway through by someone sitting next to you. Glancing up, you recognized the boy from your business studies class. 

"Hey, Iain," you greeted, shutting your textbook on your lap.

He smiled in return, matching textbook in his own hands. He didn't speak very often, but when he did, he was pretty quiet. "I saw you study and I thought we could quiz each other or something if you wanted to. . ." he trailed off shyly. 

Smiling at his awkwardness, you opened your book to the page you were previously on, Iain doing the same. You both sat, firing random questions and business terms at each other. He was definitely better at memory than you were, but your reasoning was far superior.

"No, it's redeployment because-"

"Hey, (Y/N)," Wally butted in suddenly, grabbing your arm, smiling fakely between you and Iain. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Before you could even respond, Wally had already yanked you up to your feet, dragging you away to the edge of the water. 

"What the heck, dude," you said in annoyance, ripping your arm out of his hard grasp. "What do you want?" Wally refused to make eye contact with you, instead choosing to glare at his feet in the sand. Releasing a groan, you shook your head. "Well, thanks for making me lose a potential friend, dude." Shaking your head once more, you headed back to Iain. You gave him a quick apology, grabbing your textbook, and asking your teacher to head home early. 

Wally could only stare in defeat, before kicking the wet sand with anger.

* * *

Fortunately, the incident was kinda sorta swept under the rug, or at least that was the silent mutual agreement between the both of you. Mostly because that was the fastest solution either of you could come up with before Batman had sent you on another mission. One of Slades' suppliers were waiting at the Gotham City docks, and you were all sent to take them out, essentially.

And it would've been easier if you didn't feel like Wally was holding you back.

Each time he would take out one of the men before they were even in your line of sight, and it would result in you glaring at Wally until he ran off.

"We need to talk," you said to him, dragging him to an isolated part of the cave when you returned to Mt. Justice. He let out a few whines of protest but ultimately gave up. "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?" Wally responded, acting oblivious and looking at anything other than you.

"You know what, West," you growled, crossing your arms over your chest. "You can't keep doing that. Soon, Batman of Canary might think I'm not doing enough for this team. Do you want me to get kicked off?"

Wally's eyes widened and he finally looked at you. "What? N-no! God, hell no, (Y/N). I would never-"

"Then why do you keep doing it? Why do you keep shielding me away from everything and everyone?" You sighed. "You don't let me fight when we're on the field, you didn't let me study with Iain when we were at the beach-"

"Wait, you were studying?" Wally said, his face slightly red.

Rolling your eyes, you nodded. "What else would we be doing?"

"Well, from the way you kept laughing it looked like you were flirting!"

You couldn't help but blush in embarrassment from Wally's prosecution. If anything, flirting was a foreign concept to you. 

"A-and so what if I was, huh?" You shot back. "Why does that matter to you?"

"Because I-" Wally caught himself off, hands shooting through his bright hair. His green eyes stood out against his red cheeks, freckles blending in with the hue. 

Shaking your head, you turned on your heel. "I don't have time for-" Wally's hand suddenly reached out, taking your hand and causing you to turn around. "What now?"

Not giving you a verbal response, Wally pressed his lips against yours. His hand trembled in yours, and the heat of his face radiated onto yours. Slowly, you felt yourself fall further into the kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut, and your other hand came up to cup the side of Wally's face. 

When he pulled away, you were shocked at the stern look he gave you. "It matters to me because I just want you to be mine. And I want to keep you safe."

Smiling, you gave him another quick kiss. "I understand. But we both know that I could take you down right here if I wanted to - so perhaps just leave the protecting of me to me, alright?"

"Babe, as long as you stay by my side, I'll let you do all the protecting."

"You're a goofball, you know that, right?"

"Only for you, princess."

* * *

yeah hi i wish someone could call me names like this

sorry i havent been writing lately even tho its the holidays ive just been at work for majority of the time bc i need that $$$ to pay for uni

also sorry abt this being hella short im



feel free to leave a request on the submissions page or leave me a message

remember to never let anyone or anything harsh your mellow

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