YJ Season 3

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okay so some of you may or may not know about the current situation but it has been stated that the season has been pushed back to 2019

at first i was like "what the hell, why would they do this, all they keep doing it pushing the date further and further back, are they just going to cancel it or is there something going on?"

but then i tried to do some digging and found some other stuff

(this is from CBR's article - i will link all sources at the end)

so apparently, it was supposed to debut alongside the live-action Titans series (the one we've ALL been waiting for ever since birth)

Young Justice: Outsiders is planned for 26 episodes, and is debuting in 2019 (there is still no actual given date, just year)

there was also a picture released that included Blue Beetle, Kid Flash/Impulse, Thirteen (new character), Arrowette (FINALLY), Spoiler, Robin (who im pretty sure is still Tim), Wonder Girl and Static Shock.

Now, Sam Register didn't actually fully explain as to WHY they were pushing the date back.

However, ScreenRant then explained how it will be joining alongside animated Harley Quinn, live-action Swamp Thing, and Doom Patrol shows.

ScreenRant also stated that the move will "one-up Marvel's Unlimited comic app and Disney's streaming service, which will feature new superhero content" (im unsure what the new content is, aside from Marvel's Captain Marvel, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and the Infinity War sequel, as well as the new Venom film starring Tom Hardy (I mean, what a man, amirite?))

So, perhaps Greg (OG creator of the show) has been told by DC to postpone the initial release, in order to gain more sales compared to Marvel. Because, as we all know, DC hasn't been doing very well with their live-action universe. Sure, they had Wonder Woman and are currently filming Wonder Woman (1984), and Batman vs Superman has its relatively-okay hits, DC was still shot down with movies such as Suicide Squad and Justice League - so it would make sense for DC to want to release (hopefully) good-quality shows in order to regain their sales. Especially because of the fanbase for YJ, where we all watched re-runs of YJ until they announced that they would start-up the series again.

and sure, we do have to wait longer for them to release it, but from a business standpoint, i understand what DC is trying to achieve. however, if Titans does fail (not saying it will, im just saying that a lot of live-action superhero shows don't exactly have the best quality, for example, The Flash). and Young Justice was an original kids cartoon show, but now there are more young adults watching it because it was/is a good kids show. 

lets compare to the new Incredibles 2 film, which i am still to see (its not like i can go alone - it would be weird if an 18 y/o went to a kids movie by their self while there's a bunch of kids around)

now, the first Incredibles film released in 2004, and it wasn't until this year (2018) for us to finally get the sequel we've been always waiting for. but one of the most likely reasons as to why Pixar didn't release the second film was because Pixar almost never released a sequel, unlike Disney (where if the first movie was a major hit, it was very much likely for a second film to be made e.g. Cinderella, Ariel, Mulan, etc). 

But with Young Justice, it's not as clear-cut. 

Originally, there had been rumors that the show was canceled because 'too many girls watched it' (you can google this, its literally EVERYWHERE!) but this turned out to be just a scam, and caused the Young Justice and DC to get a bad reputation.

However, this was definitely not the case.

in an interview, Greg Weisman stated that the reason why Young Justice was canceled was due to the lack of income and money because there weren't enough people actually watching the show at the time, and they weren't making any profit from merchandising. So DC decided to cancel the show and work on Teen Titans Go (a horrible mistake, buuuut some of the YJ characters made cameos and such, which is still fun to watch if you ask me)

so with the resurface of attention that YJ is getting, they decided to bring it back.

now, if you're a creator, you would know that randomly bringing something back or coming up with something takes a very long time. and so bringing back the original casting, animating every scene and storyline, takes an incredibly long time. and remember that they dropped the story because they no longer thought they were going to continue with it

they need to figure out if they are wanting to continue and do more seasons, or if they want this to be the very last season, etc, etc.

but again, maybe it is just a plot to get more money, considering that was the entire reason the show was canceled in the first place

what do you guys think though? is it a money scam, are they working on something that we aren't sure of yet, considering they have incorporated new characters into the show, such as Thirteen, Spoiler and Arrowette, as well as Static Shock getting a larger role in the next season.




also do you guys think i should start doing conspiracy theories??? like that'd be hilarious 

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