Aqualad x Reader

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Requested by; @Lizardgurl


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"Now, (Y/N)," Canary began, placing her hands on my shoulders. "They're just another group of teenagers that are just like you."
"I'm pretty sure that most teenagers can't disappear into thin air - I doubt they're anything like me." I rubbed my hands together in stress.
"Besides, you know I'm not good with, you know, communicating with others." 

And it was true. For years I had been undergoing treatment for a rare skin disorder. Kids would always tease me about it, calling me 'speckles' for the random spots on my skin. But every time the doctors thought they had something, it made it worse. One day, they thought they had it. We all did. But it turned out - they were only trying to enhance the disorder. They called it a 'defensive mechanism of the brain'. I couldn't even neurologically control it until Black Canary taught me. 

Canary sighed and tried to give me a smile. "Just- try, alright? For me?" I pursed my lips and looked away. Finally I nodded, still not looking into her eyes. 
"Alright, let's go."

I flinched slightly as we walked through the zeta tube, the tips of my fingers still left tingling. 
"Okay, everyone - listen up," Canary ordered. The group of teens swarmed around her, either looking at her or at me. I felt slightly intimidated by a boy with piercing blue eyes and black who stared straight at me and quickly looked away to my side, realizing that my hand was starting to fade. A small gasp left my lips as I brought it back. 

"This is your new team mate, (S/H/N)." Canary stepped out of the way so I could walk forward, but found myself rooted to the spot. I glanced up, looking at each of their faces before glancing away once more, feeling my cheeks up in embarrassment. 

"My name is Aqualad, but you can call me Kaldur." A boy with dark skin introduced himself with an extended hand. I stared up at him, trying to cover my shock when I noticed the contrast of his pale green eyes against his dark skin. I attempted a smile and shook his hand, quickly retracting it when I noticed it disappearing again. 

"T-that happens, uh, sometimes. . ." I mumbled, hiding my hand behind my back. 
"Wait, do you-"
"Turn invisible?" A ginger and another black haired boy asked at the same time, bright grins on their face. I felt my face heat up once more. 
"Uh, y-yeah?" 
"Well, can you show us?" I hesitantly looked over at Canary, who smiled and nodded. I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, closing my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw everyone's jaw drop. It worked, thank, God. The ginger stepped forwards, extending his hand out to where I was. I let out a squeal of surprise and jumped out of the way, accidentally bumping into Kaldur, causing my to appear. 

"Wally, what the heck?! You can't just try and touch people when they disappear!" A blonde cried out, walking over and hitting the boy over the head, a loud smack echoing. 

I felt a pair of hands resting on my shoulders and looked over to see that Kaldur had held onto me to stop me from falling over after bumping into him. I quickly stepped away, a burning sensation on my cheeks. My voice shook as I apologized. 
"I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay, it was purely an accident," Kaldur quickly replied, smiling honestly at me. 

After a proper introduction to the entire team, Canary got them to give me a tour of the mountain. I was a little uneasy at first, especially without Canary's presence, but I knew I was safe with the group of heroes. I stuck to myself mostly, attempting to remember each of the routes to certain rooms, but quickly forgot no matter who hard I tried. 

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