Red Hood x Reader

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Poem title: 18 - h.b. (via tumblr user bisexualdanhowell) - The poem is in bold unless a sentence is copied.


Y/N = Your Name


i. i am eighteen and you are twenty-two and i am not in love with you yet. we're skyping and it's silent when you ask me if i've ever thought about dating a boy and i know what you're trying to ask. i change the subject and ignore the way my stomach drops when you bite your lip and don't look me in the eye when you say you have to log off.

Being friends with Jason Todd wasn't especially easy - best friends was even harder. But we made our way around it with late night meet-ups or simply skyping. And that was one of those nights. I was lying flat on my bed, the laptop screen lighting up the room. I stifled a laugh at a joke Jason had made about Dick. I glanced at the bottom corner of the screen and saw that it was nearing two in the morning.
"So, any 'goss' you need to tell me about?" I asked, winking at Jason. He rolled his eyes with a smirk, readjusting the laptop on his lap.
"Nothin' really," he sighed.
"No new stories about Red Hood beating up the bad guys?" I asked, letting out a small laugh. Jason rolled his eyes again.
"No, not really." I chewed on my inner cheek in boredom, staring at his face on the screen.
"Got a boyfriend yet?" He asked. I let out a snort and covered my mouth.
"It's been twenty-four hours since we last met up - of course, I don't!"
"C'mon, (Y/N)! You're eighteen and you still haven't dated anyone? Don't you think that it's time you. . . you know." I stopped biting my cheek, knowing immediately what he was trying to say.

ii. you are twenty-three and today i am turning nineteen and your hand is lingering for too long on the small of my back. the streets are crowded and if we weren't as close as we are i would think you were just trying to help me, but i know you too well to fall for that. we go to starbucks and you buy me a caramel macchiato; we are a mess of tangled legs and shy smiles hidden behind china coffee cups as we nestle on our favorite sofa. i forget for a moment that you are in love with me.

Jason knew that I didn't enjoy large parties, much less have more than three people in the same room as me. So it wasn't much of a surprise when he called up wanting to go out for the day alone. I told him okay, as long as we go to the same movie that came out the week before, even if it was the third time I saw it. Walking to the coffee shop from the cinema, Jason kept his hand on the small of my back as we weaved through the crowds of people, and though his hand lingered for too long, and I wanted to believe that he was just helping me, but I knew him too well for that.
"I can afford my own drink, you know," I scolded as Jason handed me the drink. He grinned, taking a seat next to me on the low sofa that was pushed up next to the window.
"I know," he sighed, "I just wanted to treat the birthday girl." I let out a laugh and shook my head, both taking turns as we talked. For a moment I forgot that he was in love with me.

iii. i am twenty and i went to a university near you because we are best friends. you asked me to live with you and i said yes because we're bestfriends, aren't we? best friends can hold hands sometimes, you tell me when we are cuddled on the couch watching reruns of shitty reality shows. i've never had a best friend before i met you and when it's our first new year's eve together in your apartment and you press a sloppy drunk kiss to my lips i let you, because that's what best friends do, isn't it?

Another year and I finally got into the university of my dreams that was a half-hour's walk from Jason's old shitty apartment that I only wanted to visit twice. But I said "yes, because we're best friends, aren't we?" when he asked if I wanted to live with him. The rent was split equally, one of us paying more than the other every now and then. It was usually paid back with that person choosing what reruns of shitty TV show's we wanted to watch.

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