Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

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For @MLPandComics


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


Today had just seemed like any other day; wake up, go to school, head to the cave, (possibly) go out on a mission, go home (hopefully) unscathed, sleep, and do it all again the next day. 

But not this time round. 

A week before that day, there was no mission. So instead of resulting to lazing around and watching TV (which had now been hooked up to more stations than the single one which mainly played commercials, most of course M'gann had decided to read up on a actually buy it because hey who knows we might actually use it one day?), Robin and I decided to have a little one-on-one in sparring. The others were out and about, or decided to leave early and go home. 

I flexed my hands as I got into position, sweeping my dominant leg behind me into a fighting stance. Robin copied my actions, a smirk playing on his lips. I smirked back at his cockiness. "Robin verses (S/H/N) - begin in 3, 2. . ." We both sprang at each other as the female robotic voice said 'one'.

There were no weapons - just fists and legs (or whatever body part we could use basically). I went to throw the first punch only to have Robin blocking it, pulling it down then using that momentum the thrust his palm into my face. A sharp breath flew out of my mouth as I dodged to the left, yanking my wrist free and flipping backwards, knocking Robin in the chest. I smirked when I saw him stumble backwards, but knew that his game was off. Something was on his mind. 

He sprinted towards me, attempting to kick my side which I was quick to block. Sloppy, careless, random was the only words that came to my mind with each attack. Eventually I grew angry and ducked under his punched, turning around and grabbing his cape, throwing him to the floor beside me.

"Hey! Not fair!" 
"Not fair my ass," I glared behind my mask. "You could've put me on the ground with those punches 5 minutes ago - let alone stop me from using that stupid cape against you." I helped pull him up to his feet. "We've been friends for almost two years now. What's wrong?" 
"Nothing." Robin quickly answered, avoiding my eyes. I huffed at his answer, knowing that there was no use in trying to bribe the answer out of him. I just nodded and make my way to the zeta-tube. "Well, next time you need to put it behind you and focus on the fight. We can't get it wrong because if we do, either us or others can die." Great. Now I'm starting to sound like Batman.

I sighed as I entered Gotham Academy, the fight still stuck on my mind. "Hey, (Y/N)! I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes now!" Dick exclaimed, his face flustered from trying to keep up with me. I was a pretty fast walker when I was lost in thought with something, a bad habit I had picked up from no where in particular.

I smiled at Dick awkwardly. "Oh, sorry just, a lot on my mind right now, ya know?" Dick gave me a look of concern before flashing his own smile. "Okay, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here." I nodded before we headed into the school. 

The rest of the week blurred together before it came to a grinding halt after our recent mission. We were all about to pass out on the couch before Robin spoke up. "Guys, there's something I need to tell, or well, show you." I looked to Wally who looked just as confused as I was. "What is it?" I asked turning back to Robin. "This." His hand shook slightly as it came to his mask. The room fell deathly quiet. We all held our breaths, waiting for the final moment, and I felt mine choke in the back of my throat. 

A pair of blue eyes meet my masked ones and I felt the world un-freeze around me. Robin then gave a wary look at Artemis, who seemed a bit shocked but kept her mouth shut nevertheless. "That's it?" Conner asked, arms crossed with a look of boredom. "What about a name?" 
"Well that's a little more complicated than you-"
"You look like a James, or a Mason, or a. . ." the list continued as the team tried to guess Robin's identity. 

Dick. . .

I wasn't sure how to approach Robin, or Dick, about the new situation, and it was now harder than ever to not get the two names mixed up accidentally. I was brought out of my thoughts when Robin's leg slammed into my side, knocking me into the ground. "You could've blocked that," he said bluntly, pulling me up. 

It was quiet in Mount Justice once again. With the lack of villains roaming the streets or skies, everything, in general, was pretty quiet. So the team was given the day off to do whatever they wanted, so Robin and I had decided to stay behind and train a little bit. 

"Whatever." I growled, pulling myself to my feet. I stared at Robin, staring at the blue eyes behind the mask that I knew so well. "What?" He asked, looking rather uncomfortable under my stare. I sighed and looked to the ground. "There's something you should know,"
"This." I whispered, repeating the words he had said when he removed his own mask. 

The same empty feeling filled the room as before. We stared at each other for so long it felt as if an entire hour had passed. "Wait- so- it was-" Dick's words stumbled. I nodded. "Yeah. I didn't know how to tell you after you revealed your identity to everybody. I mean, what are you supposed to do when your closest friend reveals that they're The Boy Wonder?" I rambled. "I mean, I'm basically the last one on this team to reveal my identity, but I'm not sure if I want to tell everyone yet. But I thought I could at least start with a friend." I smiled.

Dick quickly returned the smile and pulled me into an embrace which I quickly returned. "You don't have to show anyone else if you don't want to." I tightened my arms around him slightly. "Thanks. . . Dick."


Sorry if this is too short (again). Let me know if these are too short and if you want them longer. 

Hope you enjoyed and don't be afraid to send in submissions!

Chika chika


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