Impulse x Reader

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Requested by: DamiansBeloved


Y/N = Your Name


Running my hand over the strings, I let out a small breath as the sound of the guitar rang out through the amp. I frowned at the sound of the B string out slightly and immediately tuned it. With a final strum, I was set. I glanced at people who strolled by, some probably still heading to work. I smiled to myself, knowing that no one was staring at me for more than a second. So with a quick step on the loop pedal, I began to strum. I closed my eyes and swayed slightly with the guitar as the sound echoed out of the guitar amp. Then, stepping back onto the loop and allowing the rhythm to play in the background as the words flowed from my lips.

Occasionally I would stutter with the sound of people dropping coins or notes into the guitar case, but eventually I grew over the sound, smiling as a child came up in awe, dropping the coin into the case and smiling shyly, before running back over to the mother.

Although I had been performing for almost a year, I would still easily become uncomfortable when people would stop and watch me with a judging gaze. But then they'd go back to their day, and I'd go back to my singing. I wouldn't claim that I was the best singer, but at the same time, I wasn't the worst - considering that the bakery I performed in front of me allowed me to continue doing it - plus, they'd give me their left overs if they thought I did well. So, yeah, everything was pretty okay.

Until a boy, who in fact wasn't really that much taller than me, stopped and stared at me. I made eye contact with him for a short moment, before going back to darting my eyes elsewhere, hoping that he'd go away. But he didn't. Instead he took a step closer, his eyes gleaming with interest, which put me off slightly. My voice didn't waver however, even when he did take another step. Suddenly, a group began to grow with the boy, and eventually I found that I was practically playing a gig. I smiled nervously, but managed to keep perfect timing.

I looked back to they boy to see that he was smiling at me reassuringly, and once finding comfort in his smile, I began to sing louder so everyone could hear. I glanced at the corner of my eye to see a father dancing with his child to the song, and let out a slight laugh at the sight.

Eventually the song began to settle, and drew to an end, resulting in a loud eruption of clapping. Feeling slightly more confident, I bowed dramatically, rising again with a bright smile. People drew money from their pockets, and began filling my case more than I had ever seen. I thanked everyone that dropped their coins or notes into the case, keeping an eye out for the boy who had caused the crowd to gather. Yet when the crowd had finally dispersed, and everyone had gone back to their daily lives - the boy was gone. A part of me was saddened by the fact that I hadn't gotten to meet him, nor thank him for stopping to actually listen, but I easily brushed the feeling off, and began to pack away.

This quickly became a routine for the boy and myself, each time the boy came slightly closer, but I was never able to catch where he would go. I told my parents, wondering if he was perhaps stalking me. My parents thought otherwise, telling me that I was overthinking it. I wanted to believe them, but I doubted the idea.

So this time, I was determined to catch him. When I finished my song, I put my guitar on the ground and pushed through the crowd in attempt to catch him. I felt my body deflate when I saw that he wasn't where he had first stood, but noticed a glimpse of him in the corner of my eye, and began sprinting to where he was. When I reached the spot, he was no longer there. I let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Who are you?" I mumbled to myself before going back to my usual spot, packing my gear and heading home in another defeat.

The next day, I waited patiently as I sang, keeping myself ready for when I saw the boy. And when I did, I called out to him, easily catching him with the help of the microphone. His eyes widened in shock as I quickly ran to him, leaving my gear behind. He took off immediately, leading me on a chase.
"Come back!" I cried, continuing to sprint after him. He was faster than me though, despite that he had a rather small frame in comparison to the other runners at my own school. I followed him into a gap between two buildings, but halted in shock when I saw that he was gone. I let out a tired groan.
"All this way just for him to disappear?" I huffed to myself, breathing heavily.

I went back to my gear both exhausted and frustrated. But those feelings quickly vanished when I saw someone eagerly grabbing my guitar and amp.
"Hey, stop!" I called out, running over to stop the man. He jumped in shock, dropping both my guitar and amp in surprise. I gasped as I heard the crack of my guitar break against the pavement, and watched helplessly as the man made a run for it. A sudden blur pushed the man back, causing him to collapse onto the floor with a loud grunt. The blur stopped and one of the infamous speedsters were there: Impulse. He glanced at me with a wink, taking the man and disappearing. I stared, dumbfounded, before looking at my now broken guitar. I sighed and played with a few of the broken pieces. Well, this'll be the last time my parents will let me go out. I thought to myself in defeat.

Impulse returned in a blur, staring down at me as I picked at the sprawled out pieces of the broken instrument.
"Sorry I couldn't get here before he did that," he said sadly. I shook my head, standing up and looking at him.
"It's fine, I-" My eyes widened as I stared at him. He had the same frame as the boy who would watch me when I performed - right down to his hair and the way he held himself. I quickly stood up.
"You're that guy who keeps watching me when I perform!" I whispered at him, pointing an accusing finger at him. He smirked at me smugly.
"Yeah, I am." I scoffed at how casual he was about the entire situation.

"What's your name anyways?"
"I know that - what's your name?" I asked again. He smirked.
"Well that would defeat the purpose of a secret identity now, wouldn't it?" He replied. I glared at him.
"You've been stopping and making other people stop as well, and actually pay attention to me when I perform for two weeks now," I spat. "As if getting up there in the first place isn't stressful enough."
"You seemed to have handled it pretty well," Impulse replied, still smirking at me.
"Yeah, well, what if I screwed up or something?"
"But you didn't."

I sighed and rubbed my face restlessly. Impulse must've noticed my distress and sighed loudly.
"Okay, okay, okay - I'll tell you. Just not in public," he noted, his eyes darting around. I looked up to see that other people were indeed watching the entire scenario, causing a flustered blush to cover my face. However when I went to look back at Impulse, he had gone. I frowned and shook my head, knowing that there was no point in even attempting to try and find him.

Going to pick up the remains of my guitar, I noticed black ink on my arm. I peered down it with interest.

Meet me at the park a couple of streets down.

P.S. sorry about your guitar - Impulse (BA)

"What the hell is 'BA'?"


Hey guys I've decided that I'm no longer take requests that just consist of the characters name and don't involve any plot because I honestly don't have enough time to come up with an idea so if you're going to request please have an idea in mind and let me know when you request it. Thank you.

Also I'm sorry that this is hella short because I kinda rushed it for some unknown reason and my creativity flow is kinda low at the moment, sorry.

If you would like to request please feel free to do so by commenting or messaging me directly.

Chika chika


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