Nightwing x Reader

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Requested by: Smhansen924


Y/N = Your Name

* * *

The moment you had laid your eyes on Dick Grayson, you knew that love had begun to play its unfathomable game of mischief.

You had been another experiment under Cadmus' authority, instead placed in Argentina, where it had taken the group of teens four months to uncover after finding Superboy. His eyes trained the symbol on your chest and uniform which almost mirrored his, whilst you stared at the same symbol on his chest. When he looked back at you, an awkward smile played on his lips.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I-I don't- we never got 'names'," you said as your eyes scanned the rest of the team, sparing extra glanced at the boy with an 'R' on his chest. "But we got numbers. So, I guess my name is Z15."

The teens looked between themselves, exchanging glances. Suddenly the boy with the 'R' came up to you with a comforting smile.

"We'll figure that one out as it comes. For now, have you ever seen the stars before?"

* * * 

The sudden turn in manners shocked you as you stayed at Mount Justice. Getting used to the mind link had also taken its time as it took a few days to get used to the trust of the team members. Sometimes you believed that you were annoying the team, or happening to let them down with your lack of trust.

But Conner was there for you the most. Not ever necessarily saying anything, but it wasn't needed.

Then you grew with the team, understanding their values and wants as a whole. You generally jumped between Conner and Dick, as he had later told you in the safety of your own room.

"It means Richard, right?" You asked.


"Derived from Germanic and Celtic heritage. 'Ric' being a ruler, leader, or king. 'Hard' being strong or brave. Hence meaning 'strong in rule'-"

"Why are you saying this?" He asked suddenly, looking slightly red.

You glanced down. "I'm not quite sure," you said. "It's something I would be made to do - tests as you would say."

"You don't need to do that here," Dick said, a comforting hand taking your own, the beating of his heart playing in the back of your ear. 

"I wish I had a name," you said suddenly, staring at Dick's hand, admiring the smoothness of his fingers and bumps of his knuckles. You looked up at him. "Numbers and letters are no fun."

"But I thought you liked being called 'Z'?"

You were caught in his eyes before you answered. "Yes, well, it makes a good cover name for missions. But a name should have a meaning, shouldn't it? Not numbers or statistics - but something you identify as."

Dick was silent, eyes watching yours before he spoke up. "(Y/N)," he said.

"(Y/N)?" You said, almost testing the name like a child seeing a pool of water for the first time.

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