Wonder Woman x Reader

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Please read A/N at the end!!!

Requested by: firearcher37 ( pls go check out his stuff guys! <3 )


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name


I let out a few huffs of air as I jogged down the sidewalk behind Lois.
"C'mon, (Y/N)!" She ushered, still managing to speak despite how far we had been running. "We're going to miss it!" I let out a groan as I held my camera, keeping it from jumping as I jogged.
"Some of us have expensive gear with us, Lois! More expensive than our weekly pay!" 

Finally, as we turned off the block, we had made it to the parade. The annual parade for Metropolis was going down the streets, floats and groups of people were decorated in bright colors and costumes. 
"Can you imagine if we were in the parade?" Lois joked, nudging me slightly. I rolled my eyes and adjusted the lens on my camera. 
"As if," I snorted. "I'd rather stay behind the camera than be on the front page of The Daily." Lois nodded in agreement.

"Think we'll see your 'boyfriend' today?" I said as I took pictures of each passing float. 
"Clark?" Lois said in surprise. I snickered and shook my head as I pulled away from the camera.
"I know I just started, but you two honestly-" A loud crack of one of the floats exploding pulled me from finishing my sentence, and I jumped away in time for a part of debris to fly over my head. I glanced down at my camera and sighed when only a small crack had appeared on the side. The small relief didn't last soon when I saw the float that was previously dressed up in bright banners and bubble machines, but now it was decorated in flames and heading straight for Lois.

As I went to call out for her, a crack in the sky was heard, and the next second Lois was next to me, Superman setting her back down on the ground. I stared at Superman in awe, then confusion, then realization.
"Cl-" I caught off by a loud grunt and scrape of metal against concrete. I let out a small gasp as I saw Wonder Woman pulling the door off the entrance to the float, helping people out of the entrance. She scanned the area before her eyes landed on me, though, she may have just been looking at Superman. Superman flew to Wonder Woman's side and seemed to be in deep discussion. I turned to Lois.
"This happen a lot?" I asked. She smiled faintly, still looking at Superman.
"Yeah - comes with the job, I suppose."
"Oh. . ." My gaze eventually shifted back to Wonder Woman, helping injured people to ambulances. I lifted my camera and took a photo. I stared at the image, zooming in a little on the picture that was going to make the front page of The Daily Planet the next day. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Lois," I sighed as I struggled with the box of rolls of tape, my phone pressed between my shoulder and my ear. "But it's not my fault Perry won't bump up the funding towards the development room - I have 20 rolls that need to be processed properly!"
"It's the 20th century, (Y/N), get a real camera." I snorted.
"You literally write columns for newspapers, Lois. No one reads newspapers anymore. You should try going for a job at Buzzfeed." Lois stayed quiet. "That's what I thought."
"You know I'd never apply for a job at Buzzfeed - it's Buzzfeed, (Y/N)." I rolled my eyes, adjusting my grip on the box as I maneuvered around overtly large groups of people. Gratefully, the shop was just around the next corner.
"I know, Lois, that's why- look, I'm almost there, I gotta go."
"Okay, just get back before Perry notices." I let out a sharp laugh.
"Please - he rarely notices Clark goes missing, I doubt he'll-" 

The phone flew from my ear like the boxes from my hands, and I fell backward onto the hard ground. I let out a groan, Lois' cries from the phone beside me ringing slightly. I picked up the phone in pain.
"I'm fine, I just-" I stared up at the woman I had bumped into and felt my face growing redder with each passing second. "I-I'll call you back." I ended the call and shoved my phone in my back pocket as I stood abruptly, wiping my hands on my jeans.
"Are you okay?" The woman asked, her worried eyes scanning over me. I shook my head, smiling awkwardly. 
"N-no, I'm fine, I just-" I let out a gasp and looked down at my rolls of tape, scrambling to piece them back together. Half of them had broken on impact - I knew I should've wrapped them before I left the office. 
"I'm so sorry," the woman said as she bent down opposite me, helping me put the rolls back into the box. I shook my head, avoiding all eye contact with her. 
"It's nobody's fault - these things happen." The woman tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she stood up, concern still written all over her face. I bit my lip nervously, rubbing the edge of the box with my thumb. I slowly stepped around her, an awkward smile pulled onto my face.
"I-It was nice falling for you - I mean, bumping into you - I mean, meeting you - I'm sorry, goodbye!" I speed away hastily as words continued to spill from my mouth, which eventually turned to mumbles as I talked to myself, continuing to do so as I went into the camera shop.

I let out a scream as one of the support beams fell at my feet, swelled with flames like the rest of the building. I told Lois running into the building burning was a bad idea, but she seemed to lack the capability to listen, and I seemed to lack the capability of not following her into danger. 
"Lois?!" I cried out, coughing as I sucked in the smoke when I breathed. We had managed to evacuate the rest of the civilians inside the building, but now it just seemed to be me and her - or maybe, it was just me because when I heard an exasperated cough of 'Superman', I knew she had been taken out of the building. 

I waited patiently to hear another voice, to know that someone was coming to save me. But after a minute of curling in the corner of the room, red flames attempting to get a taste of my skin, I thought no one was coming. When the door was kicked down, the sudden feeling of hope spread through my body. I opened my eyes painfully, the outline of the person standing in front of me hazy. When I felt two arms wrap around my body, my eyes fully opened.
"Are you okay?" Wonder Woman asked. 
"I-I've been in some heated situations before, but," I swallowed painfully. "D-do I even weigh anything to you?" I groaned as the burn on my leg stung as Wonder Woman carried me through the burning building. Wonder Woman's lips played with a grin.
"Just like holding a couple of grapes." The thumping in my chest got harder, and I told myself it was just the adrenaline from the danger I had been in.

Emerging from the building, Wonder Woman put me on the ground and I kept my eyes fixated on hers.
"Why do you keep staring at me?" She asked suddenly.
"I don't want to blink because I'm afraid to miss even a second of your cuteness." She stared at me in confusion, blinking slowly.
". . . can cuteness be measured in time?"

I picked at the skin around my fingernails as I leaned against the railing on top of The Daily Planet building. It was around the time I was supposed to me heading home, so the stars were out. So I stayed and watched them. The stars weren't the only thing on my mind, however. 

For the whole month, when I had managed to wander into the territory of danger, whom I became very close with after beginning my job at The Daily Planet, Wonder Woman would be there to rescue me. I hated it in a way. It reminded me of how close Lois seemed to be with Superman when he saved her - as if she knew him. But who was Wonder Woman? What was her name and where did she come from? I groaned to myself and rubbed my face tiredly, pressing the palms of my hands to my cheeks. 

"Are you okay?" I jumped at the sudden voice but knew exactly who it belonged to. 
"You know, you gotta stop starting our conversations like that," I said with a slight chuckle. Wonder Woman grinned in agreement, stepping out of the shadow. The moon shone illuminated her tanned skin, showing the absence of battle scars despite the number she had been in. 

Silence settled between us, and I felt my heart increasing as she stared. 
"Who are you?" I blurted. 
"My name is Princess Diana of Themyscira." My eyes widened.
"Wait- princess?" Diana nodded her head. I let out a breath. "Woah."
"What is it?" She asked. I shook my head.
"I just- I didn't think I'd-"
"I can hear your heart - are you scared?"

It was then that I felt the thudding in my chest, and poked my tongue out to wet my lips before I spoke.
". . . yeah," I breathed. Diana took a step closer, and my grip on the handlebars behind me became tighter. 
"Do I make you nervous?"
"Pretty girls always make me nervous," I said, swallowing thickly. Diana took another step closer.
"So, you think I'm pretty?" She asked as she took her step.
"Y-yes," I answered, though it sounded more like I was questioning myself. I found myself pulling away from the railing and closer to Diana, our bodies pressed together with our lips barely touching, breath mixing together.

"I'd like to see you again," Diana mumbled, her eyes trailing on my lips, "perhaps not when I'm saving you from a burning building." I grinned as I looked up at her eyes.
"Why, when my heart already burns for you." Diana stared at me in confusion.
"Is there a problem with your heart?" My face burned with embarrassment. 
"I- no, I was- I'm sorry," I mumbled, looking away. Diana grinned and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I looked up with a bright red face but found that she had gone. I made a complete 360, but she had disappeared. Slowly, my lips tugged into a grin.
"God, I love this job."


Hello, it's me, a flaming bisexual that enjoyed writing this wink wink

Okay, so in case some of you haven't seen the update, I am no longer accepting requests/submissions until a further notice as I am swelled up in sea of them. Don't get me wrong, I do love accepting your guys' ideas, I'm just really busy and I don't want any of you to think that I'm not going to do your request.

Hasta la later, losers.


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