Nightwing x Villain! Reader

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Trigger warning: Mentions of psychosis / psychotic issues (i.e. mental breakdowns and hallucinations), torture, abusive parenting, etc. 

A/N: Can we just take a moment to appreciate Nightwing in the pic??? He's totally judging us for our sins. I mean, I know I'm already going to hell for writing all this; but you're the ones reading it. 

Requested by: gothamxgal


Y/N = Your Name
V/N = Villain Name
Y/W = Your Weapon


Sitting above the streets of Blüdhaven, I watched in captivity as two of the highest known and respected gangs were enraged in the middle of the gun war. A grin tugged on my lips as I watched, the two leaders who were also well-known for being brothers shooting at each other without hit, bullets firing and lighting up the night.

"(V/N) - you there?" Rose buzzed through the communication piece in my ear. I pressed a finger to it as I spoke. 
"Yeah, Ravager. You're all clear."
"Have they killed each other yet?" She asked. I didn't even bother to look down at the massacre below me.
"Not yet."
"Don't tell me you need my help again."
"Hey - if I needed your help I still wouldn't ask for it." Rose 'tsked' in response.
"Just make sure the job gets done."

My eyes narrowed as I took out my ear piece and crushed it beneath my foot. Rose and I had always been friends - both trained and somewhat cared for by her father, although I would never bargain my own life to consider Slade as a father of any sort.

Growing up alongside Rose with Slade was never an easy task. There was constant training and almost sleepless nights; there was reward and there was punishment; there was protection and there was torture. The mixed signals of Slade's parenting and upbringing style was probably what made me into who I was today. But there was nothing that could prevent the unforgiving events of the serum Slade had injected into both Rose and myself, the same serum that made Slade into who he was. Yeah - that was probably what screwed me up in my the most. 

So I sat on the edge of the building, playing with my (Y/W) diligently. Yells began to slow and slur, gun fire becoming more and more still as bodies hit the ground. It came down to the two brothers, using their fists as weapons. But each hit became more reluctant as the last, and the fight ceased altogether.

My eyes narrowed and my hands sternly gripped my (Y/W) - aiming it at one of the brother's heads. 
"Never expect a man to do-"
"An assassin's job?" A voice behind me said, causing my grip to slightly loosen and almost drop my weapon. 

I turned around, showing no emotion on my face, although it was covered by a mask. 
"Who are you?" I asked, my eyes scanning the man's body up and down. 
"The real question is - who are you?" He replied. I glared and clenched my hand around my (Y/W)
"You're clearly new, so who are you?" He asked again, this time his eyes narrowing at me. 

Without a word I leaped down from the building, throwing a bomb in the direction of the brother's, and sprinting away, ignoring their piercing cries as I went. I almost wasn't surprised when I realized the boy with a bright blue bird plastered on the middle of his chest was following me, not bothering to look behind as I heard his footsteps desperately trying to keep up. It was only at times I was thankful for Slade's serum. 

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