Robin (Damian Wayne) x Reader

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A/N: just before we go into this you and damian will be like 16/17 in this bc there is mild MILD M I LD sexual content in this ALSO THE GIF MY TINY SON LET HIM SLEEP

Requested by: Maddisach


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

* * *

The first time you meet Damian wasn't anything special. You had been in your room, listening to your music on full volume and studying. You didn't hear the knock at your door but did notice Alfred walking in, making you instantly turn off your music.

"Ah, sorry, Alfred," you said, scratching your neck awkwardly. "I know Bruce hates it when I play my music loudly."

"Master Bruce has been out since this morning," Alfred said with a slight smile on his face. 

"Oh," you mumbled, suddenly realizing you've been in your room all day. You glanced down at your watch, shocked at the sight of it being 4 PM.

"Master (L/N), I actually came here to tell you that we are expecting company soon, and would advise you to change into something more. . . appropriate."

You looked down at your shorts and a baggy sweatshirt with a stain on the bottom left. Shrugging, you took your study gear in hand and stepped around Alfred.

"I'll just study in the Batcave. Let me know when they're gone," you said, already opening one of the secret entrances.

"Master (Y/N), I seriously advise you that-" Alfred was too slow, however, as you had already begun making your way down the large flight of steps and into the Batcave.

Your parents had worked for Wayne Enterprise until they were assassinated. The police had originally tried to tell you that they were in a car crash, but when you had snuck in to see their bodies one last time, you saw a bullet hole in each of their skulls. You were only eight or nine, you couldn't remember, so the only way you continued to remember your parents was from the last moment you saw them with the two red holes in their temples.

"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" A man in a business suit asked you once you left the room. You stared at him in silence before nodding, worried he would tell you off for going into the room where your parent's bodies laid. The man glanced over your shoulder then back at you. "My name's Bruce Wayne - I worked with your parents. Do you want to get some tacos?" You smiled and nodded, taking the tall man's hand and following him out the hospital.

He remained your guardian after that, adopting you formally when you were twelve. Every now and then other members of his family game through the Wayne Manor's doors, but none staying more than a few weeks or a month at the most. If you were to be fair, Tim was your favorite. He made the better hot chocolate between him and everyone else (though Alfred was very close behind).

But it was then that you had realized who the family actually was. You didn't know if it was on purpose or by accident that one of the secret doors were left open, but you followed down the steps anyway. It frightened you how quiet it was, until when you reached the bottom step and the room lit up like a match and a candle wick.

"(Y/N)," Bruce's voice called, gaining your attention. You suddenly felt smaller when you saw him. He wore a Batman suit, cowl removed so his face was fully shown. "I think I need to tell you something."

"You're Batman?" You asked, voice still small.

Bruce nodded and sighed, guiding you to the large computer. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't want you to think-"

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