Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

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Requested by: _lovetoothless


Y/N = Your Name

* * *

"I need to get away from these stupid boys," Artemis groaned jumped onto your bed, digging her hand into your bag of chips.

You snatched the bag away. "Something tells me Wally did something again," you said with a slight grin, knowing how easily the ginger annoyed her.

"Don't even get me started," Artemis warned, eyes rolling as she spoke. You had been a sort of mediator for when it came to Artemis and Wally's arguments or such.

Before you knew it, Zatanna had walked in with her own loud screech.

"Damn, you really can yell, girl," Artemis said as Zatanna jumped onto your bed next to Artemis. She didn't even hesitate to take away your bag of chips. You let her.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate the way boy's speak over me in class? I mean, I'm sorry - did the middle of my sentence get in the way of the beginning of your sentence? I don't think so!"

"Did you make him fall out of his chair?" You asked, knowing fully well what the answer was going to be.

"You know I did!"

The three of you let out a loud laugh, caught off by a knock at the door. When it opened, M'gann appeared.

"I heard yelling," she said, shutting the door behind her. "What are you talking about?"

You glanced between Artemis and Zatanna.

"Boys." "Boys." "Boys."

M'gann raised a brow before nervously asking, "can I join?"

Zatanna's face suddenly glowed with a bright grin. "I think this calls for a GNO!"

"What's a. . . GNO?" M'gann asked.

"Girls. Night. Out."

* * *

"And where are you going?" Robin asked just as you were leaving Mount Justice.

You smirked and put a hand on your hip. "Can a girl go out without having to tell a boy?"

Robin's face flushed suddenly, mouth opening to speak before M'gann flew into the room, landing next to you.

"I'm so excited!" She squealed. "This is the first time I've actually done a GNO before! Do you know where we're going? Oh, no - do you think I underdressed? I can change!"

"M'gann! You look fine! And the meeting point shall not be mention due to," you glanced at Robin, "uninvited guests."

Robin let out a snort. "Yeah, yeah. Have fun at your GNO or whatever then."

* * *

The four of you had decided to met at a small 80's style cafe at the inner city of Gotham.

You slightly felt more like a child as you sipped from your milkshake, but grinned as you all enjoyed talking away.

"So, ladies," Zatanna began. She sat next to you within the red booth, a partly eaten burger on the plate in front of her. "About the boys-"

Artemis cut her off with a loud groan. "Seriously? Can't we just forget about them for one night?"

"What?" Zatanna said with a faked shocked expression. "The whole point of tonight was to talk about the boys - you know, get stuff off your chest!"

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