Kid Flash x Villain! Reader Part 2

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Requested by: BrookelynHendrix


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
V/N = Villain Name


"Hey, (Y/N) - you got a visitor."
"Well, don't just keep them waiting," I replied as I kept my eyes on my book. When I saw a figure standing outside my glass cell, I looked up. I grin automatically lit up my face.
"Didn't think you'd show, golden boy." Wally let out a laugh and slouched back in his stance. He still looked the same even months after being taken away to Arkham.
"How's it been?" He asked. I looked around my cell; only a small stack of books and a radio filled the emptiness.
"It's been, uh." I looked back at him. "Well, I'm sure you have an idea." His smile began to fall.
"What have you been up to?" I quickly asked. "Put away any other bad guys?" Another grin graced his face.
"I've actually been put on a part of a team."
"A 'team'?"
"Yeah - a group of other superheroes like me." I nodded slowly, taking in his words carefully. He continued to explain their missions and assignments they've been on.

He did this every week for an entire year. One time he even phased through the glass to talk to me better. It did give myself a fright more than the guard, as when I looked back he was sitting on the end of my bed.
"Um, how did you get in here?" I asked. He grinned wickedly.
"I've picked up a few tricks from the Flash." I laughed and shook my head.
"Kid Flash? More like Kid Dork."
"I'll be anything for you gorgeous." I blushed and looked away.
"Shut up, golden boy."

I sat patiently in the courtroom, watching as my psychiatrist and lawyer conversed with the judge.
"(V/N) has shown massive improvement over the past year - she's shown guilt for what she's done, and all relative to Captain Cold and any of the other villains have been almost diminished, aside from the feeling of revenge, which is very common in these cases."
"How do we know she will keep herself from attacking innocent civilians again?" The judge asked at my psychiatrist. The Flash stepped in from the side of the room.
"The League will be keeping a close eye on her," he said, not sparing a glance at me. Wally, however, stared straight at me, a hopeful smile on his face. I smiled back, however it faded quickly, the nervous stir in my stomach still very prominent. I almost thought I was going to throw up when I was asked to stand.
"(Y/N) (L/N) - after a whole years worth of being treated at Arkham Asylum - you are free to go." I let out a loud gasp and covered my mouth, tears springing to my eyes. Wally was quick to my side, wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around. When he put me down I chocked a laugh and wiped away my tears. I looked at the judge who smiled warmly.
"Thank you," I whispered, before following Wally out of the courtroom.
"Wanna grab something to eat?"
"Something other than disgusting prison food? You know I am."

Wally stared at me as I ate. He had changed from his usual suit and into his civilian clothes.
"You should join us," he said as I ate. I looked up at him as I continued to eat.
"You should us - the team." My eyes widened and I swallowed my food nauseously.
"W-what? Why? I'm no one special. I- I just got out of prison," I whispered to him, my eyes darting around nervously. He nodded, but continued to smile.
"Please? I think we could really use you." I sighed and rubbed my temples. I stared at him in thought.
"What if they hate me? I mean, it wasn't that long ago I had Speedy trapped by the ankles in ice." Wally laughed and shook his head.
"You won't have to worry about that, babe," he said with a quick wink. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating, the question still stuck in my head. When I glanced back up, Wally was staring at me again.
"Why're you staring at me?" I asked.
"You're nice to stare at."
". . . whatever, golden boy."

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