Kid Flash x Villain! Reader

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Requested by: necessary_evils


V/N = Villain Name

Y/N = Your Name


"Ha! Missed again, (V/N)!" Wally yelled from behind the pillar. I rolled my eyes with a grin, continuing to shoot my laser gun at him. I rolled my eyes and continued firing. We had been going through run-ins like this for months - almost a year. And it all started when I was following Captain Cold and his 'family' as they terrorized the city. 

I watched with awe, almost, as they used their guns and powers to freeze everything in their path. I wasn't sure what it was that interested me in this specific group of villains, but nevertheless I always kept up with their crimes. Growing up alone on the streets, word got around quickly. Captain Cold ordered his group to split up and head in different directions. I followed Captain Cold along the rooftops, jumping and scrambling up walls amateurishly. 
"I see you there, child," Captain Cold called, staring at me as I held onto the top of the building. I slowly slipped down, jumping off the rubbish bin with a slight fall. 
"Y-you aren't going to freeze me?" 
"I was going to freeze you when I first saw you," he said with a smirk, "but I think I have another idea." He reached behind his back, making me take a step back in fear he was going to kill me. Instead, he pulled out a gun and held the handle part towards me. I raised a slight brow and studied the gun, glancing between him and the gun. Hesitantly, I took the gun and weighed it in my hand. 
"Careful with that one," he said, "that one fires laser rather than ice."
"Why would you have a gun that does the opposite of ice?" I asked, my eyebrows fussing in confusion. 
"I had this one made especially for you, child."

A sudden flash of a man in red and a younger boy in yellow appeared, and I quickly hid the gun in the large pocket of my jacket. 
"Kid Flash, take the girl and get out of here - I'll take care of Cold." The boy in yellow nodded and the next thing I knew I was a couple of blocks away from the alley. 
"Are you okay, Miss?" The boy asked. 
"Uh, I'm fine, K-Kid Flash." They boy flashed a smirk and winked. 
"That's my name." 

Suddenly, a loud boom erupted from the alley way. 
"Sorry, gotta go help." He winked once more before speeding away. I tried to calm my breath and remembered the gun in my pocket. I looked around the empty streets before taking it out and inspecting it once more. 
"I see you like the toy I gave you," Captain Cold said out of no where. I jumped from my spot and pointed the gun at him, before quickly lowering it.
"S-sorry, a little jumpy." 
"Don't worry; jumpy means fast - and that's exactly what we need." After that, I was quickly taken in by Captain Cold, or as I soon grew to know; Leonard Snart. 

Once becoming (V/N), I had been forced into fighting against Kid Flash with Captain Cold's will. Not that I minded - we eventually made a game out of it; I would purposefully miss him when I shot at him; he would miss or 'lose' me, or at least make an easy escape for me to use to get away. And here we were, having our little game all over again.

Until he stepped out from behind the pillar, holding his hands up above his head. I quickly stopped firing, and stared at him in confusion. 
"Wait, wait, wait," he said, sighing as he looked at the ground.
"What's wrong?" I asked, keeping myself prepared for any sudden attacks. He suddenly looked up at me, his green eyes taking me aback slightly.
"You should join us." My eyes widened.
"You know!" He said, "come join our team! Well, my team, obviously, but- you get the idea." My eyes narrowed slightly and I raised my gun. 
"And why should I join you? I'm the bad guy; you're the bad guy; that's how it is - how it always is. Why change?" Kid Flash grinned and shook his head, his ginger hair falling all over the place.
"Have you seen yourself?" He laughed, gesturing between us. "You aren't the bad guy! I mean, look how far we've come! You're practically one of the good guys." 

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