Klarion x Reader

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Requested by: -x-hunter-x-


Y/N = Your Name

F/C = Favorite Color

* * *

"Y/N," your mother called out, the tone in her voice more threatening than the way she knew you were attempting to sneak out the back door of your home.

"Yes?" You called back, tone equal to hers. For a moment you were frightened that she would come back and towel-flick you.

"Where are you heading at half-past-four in the afternoon?"

Sighing, you reminded her, "I'm going out to see the new Star Wars movie with Joe and Cole!"

"Cole Anderson?" Your mother responded with a shocked voice.

"That kids' trouble, I tell ya!" Your father responded. "Especially with that white trash-of-a-father!"

You groaned, rolling your eyes as you thumped your head on the door.

"No, dad! You're thinking of Cooper Anderman!" Picking up your longboard, you opened the door. "I'll be home before 9! If not, call the cops!"

'Call the cops' was a running joke in your family, but at the same time, it was like a good-luck sorta thing. Not that the idea of needing to call the cops was a good thing in the first place.

Instead of pondering about it, you trailed down the road on your longboard, pulling out your walkman and heading towards Gotham City center, only a few miles out, where you would meet with your friends.

* * *

"I still kinda liked the other one better," Cole stated, stretching as you and your friends left the cinema.

"Well, you know how it usually is," you sighed. "The sequels are always the worst."

"Hopefully 'The Empire Strikes Back' will be the last one," Joe finished, twisting her shoulder-length bob that her mom had forced her to get into a ponytail. "There's no way they can wrap it up after that."

Your longboard sat snug under your arm. By the looks of the sun just passing the tallest skyscraper, you still had an hour to kill before you needed to head home.

"Hey, did you hear?" Joe spoke up again, pulling gum out of her pocket and popping a piece into her mouth. Cole quickly stole one, but Joe didn't complain. "Martha and Thomas Wayne's kid, Bruce, isn't it?"

"Yeah?" Cole hummed, "what about him this time?"

"He's starting school this year," Joe continued, annoyed glare pointed at Cole.

You clicked your tongue. "Next thing you know he's at Gotham High - with all those other rich pricks." Joe snickered at your comment, knowing all too well her own throw-downs at the school prior, and post, being transferred.

"Whatever," Cole groaned, running a hand through his hair. "Let's just get to the skate park already."

"Rad," Joe replied, almost skipping ahead.

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