Impulse x Reader

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Requested by: X_Emberwind_X

Song title: Secrets by Mary Lambert


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name


"So - who is it?" Bart asked. "C'mon, (Y/N), tell me who likes me?" I groaned loudly, staring at the boy as he speeds around me, yet only just slow enough for me to see him. I knew it was a bad idea to try and lead him on to the subject, but I couldn't help but let the words 'someone has a crush on you' blurt out of my lips. What I really wanted to say was 'I like you', but that seemed to be a hit and miss. And now, it had been almost twenty-four hours since the same question Bart fired at me: who likes me? Although I did want to just tell him it was one large prank that I never thought would actually work, but I didn't want to see the boy feel as if no one actually liked him.

"Fine! It's Cassie!" I finally blurted, unsure of what Wonder Woman's protege actually thought of the grandson of the Flash. Bart finally stopped in his tracks, staring at me in wonderment. A gleam in his eyes caught my attention and I knew that I should've confessed then and there, rather than throw the Amazonian warrior under the bus. Although I doubt the bus would win in that context.
"Really?" He whispered. I bit my inner cheek and nodded, glancing away then back at Bart.
"Yeah," I confirmed with a quiet, bitter tone. Bart didn't seem to notice, his eyes showing that his mind was elsewhere.
"I'm gonna go take a nap," I quickly stated, maneuvering around Bart and heading to my room.
"But it's two in the afternoon."
"That's why it's a nap."

The worst thing about naps is that at first they seem all nice and comforting, taking you away from reality and all that, but that's a lie. Because when you wake up, you really do forget what day it is. And you're still tired. But in this case, I was angry tired. I didn't know why I was so angry at first, maybe I just wanted to go back to sleep. But when I saw that it was seven in the evening, I knew that I needed to get up. I wish I stayed in that bed.

As I was about to enter the main part of Mount Justice, I heard Cassie boasting with laughter. Thinking nothing of it, I continued to walk, only to stop when I heard Bart laughing as well. I peeked my head around the corner to see Bart leaning casually against the couch with Cassie, obviously telling her some idiotic joke that I had heard ten times over. It pained me to see it, though, not physically of course. However, I couldn't tear my eyes away, irritated how compatible they were together. But eventually, I pulled myself away, my eyes starting to water.

Leaving the cave, I was greeted with a chilly gust of wind. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself tightly, attempting to ignore the cold. I sauntered up the hill, gradually making my way up to the top with large puffs of air escaping my lips.

When I made it to the top, I let out a loud sigh, looking out at Happy Harbour as the water reflected the night sky. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, the image of Bart and Cassie talking still nagging at the back of my head. I began to hum to myself, trying to soothe myself. When that didn't work, I let the words flow from my mouth.

I've got bipolar disorder
My shit's not in order
I'm overweight
I'm always late
I've got too many things to say

I tangled my fingers through my hair, clenching my eyes shut with a small smile on my face.

They tell us from the time we're young
To hide the things that we don't like about ourselves
Inside ourselves
I know I'm not the only one
Who spent so long attempting to be someone else
Well I'm over it

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