Klarion x Reader

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Requested by: Deavlmmor


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

* * *

You stared off into the corner of your room, hand waving around as the shadows around you played along, whispering to you like children. Of course, the shadows weren't children nor friends. They were just there like anything other. Footsteps bounced off the walls in your house, causing you to lose focus then and again, but you'd easily catch back on to the shadows. The voice in your mother's head vibrated in yours, almost hateful words. You didn't think back - technically you couldn't. You just read minds - not speak to them.

The footsteps started again, this time towards your room. You laid your hand flat on your lap, picking up a book as the door opened.

"It for you," your mother grunted, handing you the phone. You took it carefully, watching as she left the room, the word 'devil' echoing in both your minds. You stared at the phone, knowing that there was no way you had given anyone your house number.

"Hello?" You answered.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." The voice was deep and low as the person on the other side spoke.

"Who is this-"

"18-years old. Dropped out of high school at 15. Never applied for a job nor a university entrance of any sort. Your dad left 5 weeks after your birth, and you have never had any contact with him since. Your powers consist of-"

"This is an open line," you spat. "So I suggest you-"

"The line is secure."

You pursed your lips. "Who are you? How do you know so much about me?" You walked over to your window, opening the blinds and peering out into the darkness, the only light visible from a TV and a few lamps along the street side. You tapped your thumb on your thigh nervously, watching as one of the lights flickered on and off.

There was shuffling at the end of the phone. "Meet me at the corner two blocks from the bookstore you go to at exactly 1600 hours."

Your eyes darted around again, finger tapping faster. Light flickering faster. "How do I know I can trust you?"

". . . you're just going to have to."

As the man hung up you flinched, staring at the lamp that had gone out with the rest, darkness accompanying the music of dogs barking at nothingness.

* * *

You glared bitterly at the ground, feet shuffling around on the concrete. Glancing at your watch, you huffed. It was already fifteen minutes past the time you were supposed to meet this stranger. Your stomach began to growl in hunger, making you wrap your arms around yourself tighter.

The feeling was ignored when a hand landed itself on your shoulder, dragging you into the alley. Another hand clamped itself over your mouth, making you strangle a scream that not even a dog could hear.

You flicked your wrist, the shadows moving in and surrounding the man and yourself, giving you the upper hand as the shadows continued to whisper. He is attacking, they spoke. You jumped back. Again. Dodge. Again. Dodge. Strike. You did as told and threw a punch, not caring where it hit as long as it hurt. 

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