Icicle Jr x Reader

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A/N: Had to make the aesthetic myself so please don't steal my works worth of ten minutes

Requested by: DamiansBeloved


Y/N = Your Name
V/N = Villain Name


I shut the door with a gentle click, using the tip of my foot to shut it. I glanced around the empty apartment, which was usual as Dick would come home late after patrol. I sighed and threw my bag onto the couch, taking a seat next to it. It had been another long night on a case Amanda Waller had put me on - something about Riddler, but I never paid much attention when she spoke, only focusing on whatever file she threw at me. Working with Waller was difficult, to say the least, but it was worth it when it came to working out in the field. I always spoke with Dick about the missions, following his and Bruce's rule on not killing anyone. If it was an 'execute on point' mission - I would turn it down, despite how I was acclaimed to be Waller's top agent. 

I raked my hand through my hair as I walked into the kitchen, flicking the switch for the lights, watching them slowly come to life. The apartment wasn't much, but we made do and helped with keeping our 'second lives' more on the low-key side of things. I rarely complained other than the occasion when our line to the hot water was shut off for an entire week. Baths and kettles became popular in that week.

Glancing at the kitchen bench, I saw that Dick's phone was still here. For a moment I thought someone had kidnapped him, as I normally leave earlier than he does. But I knew if he had, he would've attempted to leave some kind of hint that he had been. I pressed the home button and saw texts from a bunch of numbers that hadn't been named, nor any that I recognize. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, juggling to phone between my hands, thoughts rushing over and over in my head. What aren't you telling me? It was rare for Dick to leave anything behind whilst out on patrol, much less his phone. So when he came home, I didn't waste a breath before asking him.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked the moment he shut the door, tapping his phone in my hands as I sat on the couch, bouncing my leg nervously. It was past 2 AM and Dick looked like he wasn't up for this conversation as much as I was. So he simply ignored the question, taking off his mask and walked into the kitchen, pretending the question wasn't pinned above his head. I stood from the couch and followed him, leaning against the door frame as I watched Dick crack open a bottle of water. When I asked the question he avoided it again, taking a long sip from the bottle. I continued to stare at him when he stopped and put the water back in the fridge. 
"I'm too tired to talk about this tonight," he sighed, his eyes almost shut from being tired. But I knew this card. He pulled it almost every night he could when I wanted to talk to him seriously.

"So you're too tired to talk to me, but you're not so tired that you can go out and not come home until 2 AM?"
"It's my job," he sighed again. "You know what it's like." My narrowed eyes softened. I knew what it was like to be tired beyond exaughtion and to just collapse onto the bed and curl into Dick's arms. 
"I just want to know what's been going on with you. I-is it something to do with Bruce? Maybe you should-"
"It's nothing, (Y/N)," Dick cut in, his jaw tightening. I bit my tongue, my eyes piercing at him.
"We've been dating for over two years now, Dick! I know there's something you're not telling me! Just- please, let me know what it is!" Dick looked at the bench, leaning on it with the support of his hands. 
"I can't tell you," he said, his voice set in stone. 
"Why not?" Dick remained quiet for another minute. "Tell me, Dick. I tell you everything, all I ask is that you trust me."
"I do trust you."
"Then why won't you tell me what's happening with you?" Dick was quiet again and I felt my entire body deflate. "You don't really trust me, do you?" I waited for Dick to reply, but his gaze was glued to the kitchen bench. I pursed my lips and nodded, turning and throwing on my jacket. I paused at the door, waiting, wanting, for Dick to plea for me to stay and tell me what was wrong. But not even when I was on the streets of Blüdhaven did I hear a sound.

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