Aqualad x Reader

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Requested by: Lizardgurl


Y/N = Your Name


I heaved a sigh as I entered my apartment, shutting the door with a gentle click with my elbow. I glanced at the time on the watch on my wrist. I hadn't meant to arrive back at 1 AM, and I didn't have an excuse other than I was helping Kaldur with the mission reports. Kaldur wouldn't ask for help, but I could tell he was struggling just as I was about to leave. He juggled multiple pieces of paper between his hands, mumbling as he read them.

I quietly walked into the kitchen on the tips of my feet, cringing when the floorboards would creak at the sudden shift in weight. Opening the fridge didn't help either, holding my breath as the rattles of glass bottles shook. I peered into the brightness, grabbing the orange juice. The room was suddenly was flooded with light when my hand touched the bottle. I gasped and stood upright, looking to the switches. I let out a loud breath and chuckled.
"H-hey, babe. I didn't know you were up."
"I didn't know how long you were going to be," Theo's voice grumbled. I smiled at him calmly, pouring the juice into a cup.
"I'm sorry - my boss wanted me to finish a bunch of reports," I lied easily. I hated lying to him; he never lied to me, so why should I?

Theo slammed his palms on the table top, causing me to almost drop my glass.
"You keep coming home late! This is the latest you've ever been!" I put my glass back down, my arms shaking slightly. He rarely yelled at me, only when he was blaring his music loudly. It sucked, but I dealt with it. His angry expression made me feel smaller than usual, and I quickly tried to explain the situation.
"I-I told you - the company has been going through a lot of changes, a-and I need this job-"
"Like hell you do!"
"Theo, calm down, please-" A sharp smack on the side of my face caught me off guard. I quickly brought a hand to my cheek, the stinging feeling still remaining. I looked up at him, his eyes were glazed with tears.

Theo wrapped his arms around me tightly, his face buried in the crook of my neck.
"I-I'm so sorry," he choked, "I-I don't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry! I would never hurt you - I love you!" The room remained silent aside from his sobs and inconsistent pleas. I found my arms tentatively wrapping around him, my eyes staring into the corner of the room because it was just an accident, wasn't it?

A bruise had formed the next morning, and I ate my breakfast slowly.
"Won't you be late?" Theo asked, placing his dishes in the sink. I covered the bruise with my hand, resting my elbow on the table. I shook my head, pushing my spoon around in the cereal.
"They won't mind - I'll just say I was sick or something." He smiled at me kindly, walking over and pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"Have a good day - I love you."
". . . I love you, too."

I wasn't surprised when Kaldur asked me where the bruise had come from.
"I got it on that mission the other day, remember?" Kaldur stared at me concerningly but was pulled away when Artemis walked over.
"So, anything - hey, are you okay?" She asked, turning to me. I narrowed my eyebrows in annoyance, and suddenly everyone's eyes fell on me. I scoffed.
"It's just a bruise, guys! We all get them!"
"Yeah, sure, but," Wally paused, eyeing the bruise. "Just not any on the face." I rolled my eyes.
"It was just," I caught Kaldur's eyes for a moment, "an accident."

I sucked in a sharp breath as I shut the apartment door, still feeling sore from the day's mission. The small scent of food being made wandered into my nose, but I felt as though I wouldn't be able to stomach it. Theo's head appeared from the kitchen, a smile gracing his face.
"I made your favorite!" I smiled tiredly, a small yawn escaping my lips.
"Thanks, babe. But I think I'm too tired for it tonight," I said, making my way to the bedroom. His smile fell.
"I-I'm sorry - I'll heat it up for lunch tomorrow, and-"
"You're always tired - am I not good enough for you?" My eyes widened at his sudden outburst.
"What? No, Theo, God, no. It's my job, it-"
"Who do you love more? Me or the job?" I let out a sigh and smiled gently at him, taking a small step towards him though every nerve in my body was spiking.
"Babe, I'm not going to choose my job over you."
"Yeah, well, it sure as hell feels like it."

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