Beast Boy x Reader

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Requested by: _Panthera_Onca


Y/N = Your Name


"Now just hold still," the scientist growled, holding my leg down as he injected the neon blue liquid into my thigh. I clenched my jaw tightly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my screams, yet a few whimpers slipped through the crack in my lips, my body squirming as the serum took its toll on my already weak body. 
"I said stay still!" He ordered, "and quit your crying!" But the tears didn't stop; instead they came out faster than before. The man above me sighed, and gave me a smile that sent shivers of fear down my already tingling spine. 
"This is incredibly important for us here," he said, his eyes roaming over my body. "You just don't understand. . . not yet anyways. Would you like to know what it is we're doing to you?" Without reply I spat directly into his eye. He jolted back then sighed, wiping his eye calmly, before bringing the back of his hand harshly on my face.
"Well," he spoke calmly once again, "if you would like to know we're wiring your brain to get you to communicate with all species on an intergalactic scale - no matter where or what - you will be able to communicate with them. You'll be able to make army's - don't you understand?"
"So I'm just a weapon?" I spat, my arms clenching. The scientist chuckled and walked over to his bench, picking up another syringe. 
"That is all you have ever been."

I sat up with a gasp. It had been two months since that day; two months since that man turned me into what I am. I no longer felt the same since I got away from that place, dehumanized by what they did to me. I shivered as the memories continued to flood back, attempting to block them out with other memories from Earth, before I was taken; but they were constantly replaced of the 'trials' and 'tests' I was put under, here on Rann. I was here for almost half my life; forgetting the faces of my friends and family; my birthday; my home. Everything except for the blue planet, Earth.

Letting out a long breath, I smiled as the plants whispered to me their feelings, calming me down almost instantly. I asked the roots of the tree I laid beneath to lift up, which they did so kindly. I smiled and whispered a thank you, rubbing the tree's trunk gently. I made my way down to the river, mumbling to the trees every now and again.

Scooping the water into my mouth, I gazed up at the sky, its colors still fascinating me as they changed. I let out a sigh, longing for my home. I sat on the edge of the river, knees pulled into my chest as I dragged my finger around in the mud without any real thought. 

"I found her!" I whipped my head up at the sudden yell, my heart beating wildly in my chest. A boy with green skin and a tail pointed at me. Wait, a tail? I removed the question from my head and jumped to my feet, bolting away. I spared a glance over my shoulder and saw that the boy was accompanied by another - much taller with white skin, a blue bird symbol on his chest. 
"Hide me," I whispered, picking up my pace. The vines and trees acknowledged my plea, and began to block my assailants' path. I heard one of them stumble behind me.
"What the- I can't- Beast Boy, come back here!" I glanced behind me to see the green boy climbing and swinging between the vines and branches. 

I ran all the way back to my hiding place, praying that the trees would be able to hide me. Unfortunately they didn't. I peered through the roots of the trees, the green boy bending down and staring back. I gasped and scrambled backwards. 
"Hey," he soothed, smiling gently, "we don't want to hurt you. We're here to rescue you."
"H-how," I swallowed nervously, "how do you know who I am?" 
"We've been looking for you ever since you escaped from that laboratory - we're here to take you home." I stared at him with tears in my eyes.
"I-I don't have a home. . . I don't remember," I whispered. He frowned and held out a hand from the outside of the roots. 
"Well, you can stay with us then - we can make you a new home." I bit my lower lip before getting the roots to lift themselves, and stepped out of my hole in the ground. I took his hand hesitantly. 

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