Kid Flash x Reader

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Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favorite Color


"Hey, sexy, what's the rush?" I shuddered with disgust and speed up my steps, grateful for wearing a pair of walking shoes on that particular day. I spared a glance over my shoulder, seeing the smug, unruly smirks on the faces of the two men who had been following me for seven blocks now. 

I continued with hurried steps, turning the corner, hoping that they weren't going to head the same way. But when I noticed a ginger boy wearing a bright yellow suit sitting outside the steps of an apartment, headphones plugged in, I didn't want to spare any chances. I jogged over, calling out to him.
"K-Kid Flash!" I called, clutching the strap of my bag that hung over my shoulder. 

He looked up in surprise, staring up at me as I stood in front of him. 
"Can I help you?" He asked, taking out his headphones and standing up. I took a slight step back, realizing how much taller he was than me. 

"Uh- I, uh," I saw the two men appear from the corner of my eye. 
"I-I know this is really random but, c-could you walk me home?" He looked over at the two men, a questioning look on his face.
"You know, I could just take care of them for you instead."
"N-No! I don't want to cause any commotion or anything," I sighed, tangling my hand in my hair. "I just want to get home and go to sleep." Kid Flash smiled knowingly, bounding off the steps.
"Alright, let's go then." I grinned at him, walking at a much slower pace than I was before."
"So, what's your favorite color?" he asked awkwardly. 
"Uh, (F/C). What about you- oh, wait, don't answer that."

By the time we reached the train station, the two men had stopped following us completely. I was so totally engrossed in Kid Flash's story, I didn't realize that we were there. But he didn't mind, also seemingly engrossed in his own story as to how he got his powers - not giving out his identity nor the Flash's for obvious reasons. 

"Okay, so get this," he grinned, taking a seat on the train. I sat down beside him, a spare seat between us along the side part of the train. The carriage was near empty, aside from a man a couple of rows who had fallen asleep, and a tired woman with a toddler sitting on her lap, staring at us. 

"The second Flash is actually a fan of the first Flash," he continued to grin, leaning on his side against the chair as he talked. "It turns out great minds think alike 'cause I was a fan of the Flash - the second one, not the first one. Long story short, one day I was in my uncle's house and-"
"Wait, wait, wait." I waved my hands in front of him to keep him from from going any further.
"Should you really be telling me this?" I asked. "I mean, what if I find out who you are, or what if someone comes to me asking questions?" He smirked at my question. 
"Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to make sure neither of those things happen then." 

We got a few stares as we walked down the streets on the opposite side of Gotham. Kid Flash didn't seem to mind as much because he was still continuing with his story. 
"I tried to convince him that Flash could use and probably needed a partner. I mean, Bat's-"
"Oh, hold up, I need to pick up some stuff," I said, growing slightly tired from Kid Flash's talking. He looked inside the small corner shop, the bright lights illuminating the streets. 

He shrugged and nodded, following me in the store. I scanned the aisle of snacks and confectionery, picking out a few of my favorites. I glanced over my shoulder to see Kid Flash staring longingly at the candy bars. I let out a laugh and walked over, picking one up and heading over to the cashier. 
"Hey, (Y/N)," he greeted, a kind, tired smile on his face. "How's it bee- hey! You're Flash's sidekick! What's your name? Flash Ki-"
"Kid Flash." "Kid Flash." We said at the same time with the same monotonous tone in our voices. 

I looked up at Kid Flash, laughing at how awkward he had become. 
"O-oh, I'm so sorry!" The cashier stuttered, scanning the items. 
"It's okay," Kid Flash grinned. "It happens a lot." The cashier nodded, still smiling apologetically.
"That'll be $3.25."

"Here," I said, frisking out the chocolate bar I saw him staring at. He took it gratefully, staring down at it. He looked at me, saying, "you didn't have to, you know." I shrugged, opening up my own candy bar.
"It's the least I could do. I mean, you've walked me this far and basically your entire back story." He took a bite into his chocolate.
"Oh, yeah. Where was I?"
"Batman." I quickly replied.

At first I wouldn't have admitted it, but I did take a small detour the block before we reached my house. I just want to hear the end of the story I told myself continuously. 

"So, having seen his journal just like he saw the previous Flash's, I try to re-create the experiment with my own chemistry set. And what do you know?" I stared up at him, waiting for him to finish as he walked by the last few houses. 

"I was able to do it!" I gave him a bored look and stared him up and down.
"I wasn't going to say anything, but it's kinda obvious you managed to do it." 

His face fell slightly, green eyes becoming saddened. I grinned and rolled my eyes, snatching the wrapper of his candy bar from his hand. 
"I was kidding," I said, walking up the steps, taking out my keys.
"Was that a pun?" 
"Perhaps," I shrugged. 

He looked at my keys then back at me.
"Aren't your parents supposed to be home?" I shrugged again.
"Well, yeah. But they're both away on conference meetings. Won't be home until tomorrow morning." 
"Aren't you going to be lonely or something?" I raised a brow at his question, leaning on my hind leg. 
"Yeah? It's not the first time they've left me by myself. . . as depressing as that sounds," I mumbled. 
"How 'bout I stay with you? Only for a couple of hours of course," he asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Are you sure? I mean, you're probably really busy-"
"Nah," he quickly replied. "It's almost midnight anyways, I'm sure whatever happens afterwards other heroes can take care of it." I rolled my eyes and grinned, unlocking the door.
"Well, come on in, I guess."

We watched TV shows and played board games to pass time, neither of getting tired or falling asleep. 
"Oh, come on! That's cheating!" He complained as I moved my pawn along the board. 
"It's monopoly, calm down. Plus, just because I know how to balance my assets-"
"What does assets have to do with this game!" He groaned in agony, falling back against the couch. 
"Whatever, you win, (Y/N)."
"Why, thank you, Kid Flash."

I heard my phone vibrate next to me and glanced down. 
"Oh, crap. My parents are almost back," I sighed, looking at Kid Flash. 
"You should probably go, don't want my parents thinking I've gotten into the whole 'dating superheroes' thing," I joked, packing up the board game. 

I stood up, wiping my legs from any crumbs from the chips, Kid Flash copied, staring at me awkwardly.
"Well, thanks Kid Flash," I grinned lopsidedly. "It's been. . . it's been real." 
"Yeah. See you another time." He stepped forwards, whispering into my ear, "call me," before stuffing a piece of paper into my hand, and leaving, well, in a flash.

My face grew hot as I looked down at the piece of paper, reading the scribbled words. 

'Call me; xxx xxxx xxxx - Wally'. 

". . . damn."


This just brought on a hoard of back flashes when I was hanging out my friend and her cousin, and he gave me his number, but he was like a smoker and everything and ew. 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and don't be afraid to send any requests via commenting or messaging me directly!

Chika chika


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