Aqualad x Reader

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Requested by: Lizardgurl


Y/N = Your Name

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Ever since Kaldur had left for the surface world, you had felt an ever-present gap in your life.

"I wish I could do with you," you told him, hand resting on his shoulder. Kladur smiled knowingly, before leaving for the surface world.

But you had pushed on with your studies alongside Garth and Tula beneath the teachings of the Queen. You managed to surpass them with your developing skills. You wished to remain in their class but was advised to increase the intensity of your studies. Part of you thought Garth and Tula wanted you out of their class to develop their own relationship. However, that wasn't to say it damaged your friendship.

Your development kept you by the Queen's side at almost all time - her trust with you deep and you had been deemed as a part of her security. Yet with what she had taught you, you were sure that she needn't any protection.

Standing by the Queen's side, you watched as Garth and Tula trained. You slightly desired to practice battle against the two as you watched, noting how their skills had increased.

"Your technique is excellent," Mera said as Garth defended one of Tula's hits. "But your choices remain predictable. Combat sorcery demands improvisation."

Garth glanced at you after the Queen spoke. You smiled half-heartedly, understanding what he was feeling.

"Kaldur'Ahm!" The Queen spoke up, dragging your attention to your friend that was swimming towards you. "Oh, so good to see you."

"Kaldur!" Tula yelled in surprise, turning to greet her friend. You remained at the Queen's side, despite wanting to swim to your friend and ask him many questions about the surface world.

"Apologies, my Queen," Kaldur said as Mera swam up to him, you following beside her. "I did not mean to interrupt."

"It is well," she said with a smile. "I have another class. Will I see you at dinner?"

"Yes, your majesty," Kaldur replied.

"We shall talk then." Turning to you, she smiled and nodded, allowing you to be with Kaldur until she saw you again.

"You look well, Kaldur," Tula said as she gave him a short hug.

"Yes, surface life agrees with you," Garth added.

"You speak as if I have been gone for years. But it has only been-"

"Two months," you confirmed, grinning at him and punching his shoulder lightly.

He smiled at you in thought. "That long. . ." He looked back at the pair in front of them. "Then I must make up for lost time." His eyes landed on Tula. "Tula, would you accompany me to dinner tonight at the palace?"

Garth and Tula glanced at each other. You looked at Kaldur briefly, slightly pained at him unaware of knowing of their relationship. However, it was not your job to notify him. 

"I wish I could invite you as well," Kaldur said, placing a hand on Garth's shoulder then looking at you.

You shook your head. "I already have my seat at the dinner next to the Queen."

"The Queen?" Kaldur's eyes widened slightly.

"Two months is a long time, Kaldur," you smiled, despite saddened that he had not asked you to the dinner.

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