Impulse x Reader

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Requested by: @youngjusticelover123(who you guys should totally check out)


Y/N = Your Name
E/C = Eye Color


"For God-sake, Bart!" I drawled out, entering the lounge, holding up an empty packet of cookies. Bart held up his hands in defense. 
"I swear to God, I was literally just about to go out an get some." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, tossing the bag in the bin.
"Uh huh, and with who's money, 'Mr. Future'?"
"Uh. . . you?" 

I huffed at his response and grabbed my wallet, slipping on my shoes. I walked over to Bart and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"You're lucky you're my boyfriend or else I'd-"
"Yeah, yeah - I'd be put back in the future, I get it," Bart grinned up at me. 

He jumped up off the couch and walked over to me as I opened the door.
"Hey, how about I come with?" I rolled my eyes and slumped my back.
"I'm pretty sure I can make a five minute trip to the store by myself." Bart frowned dramatically but nodded his head, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Okay - but don't take too long, I want more cookies." Bart smiled as I rolled my eyes once again.

I glanced between the two packets of cookies, chewing my bottom lip in thought. Okay, I could totally get the afghan cookies, but on the other hand, Bart really loves the chocolate ones. . . I sighed in desperation, looking up at the top shelf. I gasped in excitement, seeing the triple chocolate chip cookies right at the very top. I placed the other two bags back in their rightful place, and went on my tip toes to try and reach the bag. 
"Come on. . ." I mumbled, barely touching the bag. 

I was about to give up an admit defeat, until another person reached up and grabbed the bag, handing me the packet cookies. I smiled with glee and gratefully took the bag. 

I went to thank the man but found myself stuck by staring up at Count Vertigo. I took in a breath to scream, but was quickly knocked to the ground, unconscious. 

An agonizing groan stumbled through my lips as I came to. I twisted my wrists, only to find that they were bound behind a chair, along with my legs tied to the legs of the chair. I opened my eyes in fear, glancing around, finding that I was stuck in a windowless room, the only form of light coming above me from a swinging light. 

"I see you've woken up." Count Vertigo stepped out of the shadows as he spoke, his sword reflecting the light. I cringed as the side of my head pounded from where I was struck. 
"I'm so sorry about that, but, for obvious reasons, there was no way for you to come willingly with us." 

I groaned again, glancing up at Vertigo. 
"Could you have made this place any more cliche?" I asked, a grin forming on my lips. The eerie smile left Vertigo's face, walking over to me and pulling my head back by my hair.
"I suggest you watch what you say, little girl." I let out a grunt as I continued to smirk at him, spitting at him. He let out a cry, the back of his hand colliding with my face with a loud smack that bounced of the walls. 

My bottom lip stung when I went to lick it.
"Someone will find me. They always do. You think this is the first time someone has gone missing?" I taunted at Vertigo, "they'll find me, and when they do, they'll throw you back in prison."
"Well, let's just hope they find you faster, because, I dare say, your time is running very thin." Vertigo grinned darkly as he spoke, walking behind me. 

As if on cue, Bart had broken down the door.
"(Y/N)!" He cried. 
"Bart! H-"
"Not so fast," Vertigo growled, pulling my head back, placing his sword at the side of my stomach. My breath quickly became shallow as the metal pierced my skin.

"Don't hurt her!"
"No!" Vertigo yelled, his grip on my hair becoming tense. "For years I have been trying to prove myself for The Light. And now, I have my chance." Tears began to leak down my face as I looked at Bart with pleading eyes. I repeated to myself in my mind that everything was somehow going to be okay; that Bart would just whisk me away and we could go back to my house, and sit back watching stupid TV shows that I always hated, and eat all the food we could find. 

As Bart took a slight step forward, Vertigo pushed the sword in deeper, making me cry out slightly.
"Let her go!" Bart cried out again, trying to keep himself steady as he took another step.
"Nah, ah, ah," Vertigo sung, pressing the sword deeper once again. "You're killing her."

I spared a glance down at my side, seeing my shirt beginning to stain red. I took a deep breath as I let out a little whine, whispering Bart's name under my breath. 

Just as Bart bent his knees to take off, Vertigo had already plunged the sword into my side. I chocked out a scream as Bart speed towards me and picked me up, speeding out of the room and building. 

I pressed my hand on the wound as I continued to bleed out. I bit my tongue to keep myself from screaming out again, throwing my head back and looking at the night sky.
"(Y/N) - stay with me, (Y/N)!" Bart cried, tears streaming down his face. But we both knew we were too far away from any city for me to reach a hospital on time. 

"S-stop, Bart. . ." I chocked out, putting a hand on the side of his face.
"What?! Are you crazy?! We need to-"
"Bart, for once in your life just listen to me, please! Now just stop!" I sobbed out in pain and agony, knowing that I was about to die. 

Bart hesitantly pulled to a stop, tears continuing to fall down his face. He laid me down in the middle of a field, holding my hand as sobs racked his body.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). T-this is all my fault. I-I should've been faster," he cried. Tears no longer fell from my eyes as I stared up at him. 

"T-this isn't your fault Bart."
"Yes, it is! I-I came back here to stop people from dying, (Y/N)! A-and now you're leaving me too. Please, please don't leave me here (Y/N)." Bart gripped my hand as it laid on his face, his tears spilling onto me. 

"H-hey, I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever." I sucked in a deep breath, looking up at Bart.
"I-I know I never really said this to you before, Bart, but. . . God, I love you so m-much, Bart," I whispered, my lower lip quivering.
"I-I love you too, (Y/N)," Bart whispered back, leaning down so our foreheads were touching. I coughed out a laugh, smiling up at him,  his green eyes piercing into my (E/C) ones. 

"G-good, be-because if you didn't I-I'd-" but I didn't get to finish my sentence as the last breath of air was sucked out me, my hand slipping from Bart's face. 

Bart quickly placed my hand back on my face, calling out my name desperately. But it was pointless. 

The sun was starting to rise when Bart had managed to calm himself down enough to carry my dead body back to Gotham, already plotting his revenge on Count Vertigo.


Ugh so I'm on school holidays but I swear I have like 7+ assignments due when I get back, and I think I'm failing maths and I just want to be 4 again please I want to take naps and do fun things on the trampoline at the gymnasium again. 

Anyway I hope enjoyed this one-shot and I'm really sorry that it's kinda short. . . but if you have any ideas on who I should use as a face-claim for the cover of this book, let me know! 

If you want to submit an idea for a one-shot let me know in the comments, or message me directly. 

Chika chika


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