Blue Beetle x Reader

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Requested by: jelly2451


Y/N = Your Name


"(Y/N), please! Let me go with you! I can-"
"For the last time, Nathaniel - no!" I growled, going back to hooking in the last wire. 
"But I can help!"
"No offense, Nathaniel," I sighed, winding the wires together, pulling away as a spark formed. "But the last time you were back in 2016 you destroyed almost half of Central City." I sighed and went back to placing the metal lid over the wires, securing the engine. 
"Done." The machine was almost an exact replica as Bart's, yet something was missing.
"You don't have any kind of energy to get you there," Nathaniel noted. I smirked and pointed to my back. 
"The scarab can handle that for me." The red armor clasped around my body before I got into the machine.

I looked up at Nathaniel. It was hard to get used to seeing him without his scars, but it will be harder not seeing him at all.
"I'm sorry, Nath, but we can't risk the Reach coming after you. You're too important for this." I smirked. "Besides - someone needs to be here when I get back." And with a quick salute to Nathaniel, I shut the metal door, the scarab connecting to the engine automatically.

Are you sure this is a good idea? I sighed and started to flick switches. 
"The world didn't change when Bart left besides Nathaniel's scars, and it's been two days since that happened. Plus, wasn't it your idea to do this?"
Yes, but normally you do not listen to me.
"Fair point," I hummed. I sucked in a deep breath as I set the date back by exactly 50 years.
"Here goes nothing." I slammed my thumb onto the button. Then with a flash of white, I was gone, unknown of what the future would be. 

With a glitch of the lights inside the hangar door and revealing the inside of Mount Justice. I jumped out of the machine with an enthused grin. 
"It worked!" I looked at the machine. "Bart, you gen-"
"Hey!" I whirled around at the shout, preparing my scythe blades. 
Careful, (Y/N), the scarab warned, Robin is an intelligent fighter, he can- without warning, Robin began to fling birdarangs my way. I let out a yelp and jumped out of the way. 
"Careful with those!" I exclaimed, "could poke someone's eye out with those things!" Robin didn't seem to care as he flicked out his bo staff, swinging it as he ran towards me. 

I stepped around him as he charged, missing me by an inch. Without a second thought, I used my staple gun to hit the bo staff out of his hand. 
"I don't want to hurt you!" I cried, "I just need to tell Bart that-" Once again, Robin came at me with various gadgets from his belt. I dodged them with slight difficulty, but once he was close enough, I stepped around him once more and flung his cape over his head. With Robin unable to see my next move, I easily I grabbed his shoulder and swept my leg under his leg, knocking him to the ground. 

"I'm sorry," I huffed, "but you weren't listening - where is B-" The air was knocked from my chest as I was kicked to the ground. I let out a cough and looked up to see Nightwing.
"Oh, geeze," I mumbled to myself, scrambling to my feet.

"I don't want to fight, I just-"
"Who are you? Why are you here?"
"Just let me finish my question!" But Nightwing wasn't having any of it and began throwing an array of punches at me. 
It's time to take matters into extreme precautions.
"No!" I cried, blocking another one of Nightwing's hits. I finally raised my leg and kicked Nightwing in the stomach, the armor making the kick harder than what I had put into it. Nightwing collapsed to his knees, trying to regain his breath. Suddenly, he grabbed my leg, but before he could drag me to the ground in punch his face, and his nose began to leak blood.

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