Artemis x Reader

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Requested by: helloitsmeme111

A/N: this is implied bisexual! artemis and female! reader just so y'all know. . . 


Y/N = Your Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

* * *

You stood beside Artemis, staring down at Wally's stone with empty thoughts. He wasn't just a teammate. He was a friend; family; a brother. If he were here now you were sure that he would be yelling at you for mourning him for so long. But you had promised to go with Artemis once a month to visit him. Your shirt flapped gently in the soft spring wind, hands shoved into the pockets of your shorts. Neither of you spoke, mentally speaking your words to no one who was even listening. 

You were the first to step away, taking in a deep breath and looking back over the city. The moment was lost when Artemis brushed past you back to the car. 

Your eyes glazed over the screen as you drove, eyes flickering to Artemis momentarily. Her hair was ruffled from the wind, eyes subtly red from the tears that never spilled.

"Is there anything you want to do before you go home?" You asked. She shook her head, staring out the window. She did that every time. For the past five months, she gave you the same response. Complete radio silence that one day where she wanted to go see Wally. It pained you to see your friend still in distress from her loss. But what could you do? Tell her everything would get better? She had been told that since her childhood, and she had found her 'better'. And then it was taken and ripped from her arms.

Yet the will to make her better got the better of you, and you missed the off-ramp from the highway that took her to her flat.

"Where are we going?" She asked, finally looking at you.

"I'm hungry," you said, taking the next off-ramp. "And we haven't gone to that coffee place in a while. Enzo's Diner, remember?"

Artemis nodded slowly at the memory of the place. You, her and Wally used to go there after each mission, once they began going out, of course. Admittedly you were jealous of their relationship. But she was straight and you were gay. Purposefully, you shoved the feeling away.

"He loved it there," Artemis said, a small smile on her face as you drove through the streets, attempting to find the diner once again.

"I know," you said. "Remember when we tried to order everything off of the menu?" 

It felt foreign to hear Artemis laugh, but it was infectious in a way that made you smile. 

"Yeah," she said with a small sigh, "and you got that food baby bump and named is Charleston?"

It was your turn to laugh, and you finally found the diner and pulled in. "Well, perhaps we should have a Charleston Junior?"

Entering the diner, the owner immediately recognized you both.

"Would you like your corner?" He asked, grabbing two menus. "I've been saving it for when you returned." 

You glanced at Artemis. You knew she was thinking of Wally when she looked in that corner. "We'll take it," you said quickly, taking Artemis' hand and guiding her to the table, trying to ignore how cold she felt in your hand.

Sitting down, you ordered a milkshake while Artemis asked for a coffee. When the owner left, you looked at Artemis.

"Why didn't you get a milkshake?" You asked.

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