Superboy x Blind! Reader

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Requested by: x-mengirl1000


Y/N = Your Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

E/C = Eye Color

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 "Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked as you jumped out of the Batmobile, walking close to Robin as you went down the empty alley. "I mean, I can wait a few more weeks," you added with a jittery laugh. 

"No, (Y/N)," Dick said as he jabbed you gently in the side. "You gotta join the team! C'mon, sis. I promise we don't bite."

You could hear him smirking and did your best to glare at him behind your mask. You weren't sure if you had perfected it yet. "I'm still ahead in our hand-to-hand combat skills. You know that, right?" You sighed. "I mean, I just don't know if I'm comfortable with keeping the whole blind thing a secret."

"It's not really a secret," Dick said. "I mean, we know. And the big leaguers also know." You rolled your eyes dramatically behind your mask.

"Stop bickering," Bruce said, pushing you into what felt like a small photo booth. Dick squeezed in beside you, wrapping a hand around your shoulders.

"It'll be fine," he assured you kindly, giving your shoulder a kind grasp.

Nodding, you let out a small breath. "I sure hope so."

You weren't sure if you had been teleported yet, but the atmosphere felt different. And were those cookies you smelt?

"Whoa, hold up!" A familiar voice spoke up. "Newcomer?"

"Wally?" You mumbled, unable to hide the smile at the recognition of your friend's voice.

"(S/H/N)!" Wally belted, wrapping his arms around you unexpectedly. 

Swiftly, you brought up your foot and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to drop you and stumble back.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" You sighed, attempting to straighten out your uniform. 

You felt more people beginning to surround you, and suddenly you felt more nervous. Subtly, you backed up more to Dick assuring yourself that he was there too. The sound of Bruce's arrival assured you also, and suddenly you could feel yourself breathe normally.

"This is your new teammate," he said, walking around the group. You listened to the trail of his heavy boot steps. "(S/H/N)."

Awkwardly, you brought up your hand and waved, trying to appear as if you weren't actually blind and were making eye contact with them. When each member shook your hand and spoke their name, you attempted to remember each of their voices and hand shapes. M'gann's was soft and her fingers were slender. She also smelt of cookies which made you smile slightly. Kaldur's were rounded and hard, but were also smooth and seemed well crafted. Artemis' was less smooth than the others, but mostly around her knuckles and the fingertips that touched the back of your hand. Immediately you guessed she was an archer. And then Conner took your hand to shake it. It slightly awkward, as if new to the human contact. You couldn't blame him after the information you had brought up about him and the other team members prior to meeting them. 

"Superboy. Conner Kent."

"Like Clark Kent?" You asked, tilting your head to the side and raising a brow.

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