Nightwing x Reader

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Requested by: haurin


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

* * *

"Do I have to go?" You whined, picking at your overly-formal outfit.

"Of course you do!" Your mother said on the other side of the door. "It'll give you a chance to meet a boy!"

You sighed. "I don't want to meet a boy, mum."

She was momentarily silent. "Well, if you're into girls, then there's not much that I can-"

"Mum! No- I'm not- that's not what I mean!" You sighed again, hitting your head against the wall.

"Just go to the wedding, okay? Make some friends!"

"I already have friends," you huffed. 

"No, you don't!" Your dad called. You groaned and slammed your head into the wall once more.

"Fine!" You said. opening the door and taking the small piece of paper, circling the yes below the RSVP. "Who's wedding is it again?"

* * *

You stared at the anonymous names on each of the name cards. You didn't know anyone, obviously, and the only link you had to the bride and groom was that the groom was a long-distance cousin. Very long-distance. What was his name again? 

Huffing, you snatched your card and walked into the reception area. 

The tables were duplicates of each other. All with the same white table cloth, silver cutlery, small bunches of wild flowers in a glass vase. Table 17. Looking at the other members at the table, you could sense that this was the 'Singles Table'. You cringed as a man in a formal suit attempted to sway a woman beside him, her hair as fiery as her attitude towards him.

As you turned to walk away, a waiter with a tray of flutes of champagne walked past. Taking one of the glasses, you swallowed the drink in one shot.

"Whoa," a voice behind you said, startling you. "We're not even up to the after party yet."

Turning around, your drink almost came back up. Instead, you let out a nervous laugh, twirling the glass in your hand.

"Well, actually, I-" Your words cut themselves off when you saw another man enter the room, a woman clinging to his arm. "Shit," you whispered, automatically trying to hide. "Shit, shit, shit."

The man in front of you turned to look at who you were looking at, but you grabbed his arm to turn back to you, using his body as a shield to hide your own. 

"Why are you hiding?" He whispered, smiling at you, almost like a child. 

"Because that man is my ex," you stated. "And if he sees me, I know he'll try something stupid."

The man was quiet for a moment. Turning again, he made it look like he was checking who was coming through the door but was actually looking at your ex. 

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