Red Arrow x Reader

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Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name
Y/W = Your Weapon


I had always stuck by Roy's side, no matter his decision or opinion. That's what friends do. When he needed my help, I would be there. When I need his help, he would be there, sometimes later than usual. But nevertheless we were together through thick and thin. That's how it should've been.

"I'm just saying, you have a mole on your team." Roy glared behind his mask, arms crossed over his chest. I spared a glance around the team, a few more confused than others. I would never suspect any of my members to be a spy working for The Light, trusting my life with them. 

Ever since Roy ditching Kid Flash, Robin, Aqualad and I to go solo, he had grown distant from us, from me. So when his eyes landed on me in particular, I felt myself growing offended. 
"What?" I asked bitterly, his glare matching my own. 
"If anything I'd have my highest suspicions on you." 

My mouth fell agape, eye widened behind my mask. 
"Excuse me?" I asked. 
"Don't act like you don't know, (Y/N) - you always left early when we scouted together. I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, ignoring Roy's ignorance. He went to say something again when I cut him off. 

"You know what? You don't get to claim who's a mole here," I growled, clenching my fists under my arms. "You haven't spoken to us in what, three months? Four? You don't get a right to declare who and who isn't a mole in this team. You don't get to storm out like a child and come back acting like someone who's been through something - we all have. So take that fucking bow out of your ass and come talk to me when you aren't being a selfish brat." 

I ignored Roy's harsh glare, along with everyone else's stares, as I walked over to the zeta tube, refusing to look back as I walked through. 

It was a boring night in Gotham; a couple of men following a woman, someone trying to break into a store - the usual. I perched myself on one of the taller buildings, twisting (Y/W) around in my hand. Below I could see couple's pouring in and out from one of the diners, along with singles and groups of people walking about on the pavements. 

"(Y/N)." I stood from my spot at the sound of name being said, turning around to see Roy. My eye narrowed into a glare and I turned around. 
"No name's when we're out in the field, Speedy," I smirked, "I mean Red Arrow," I said sarcastically. I could feel Roy's hard glare piercing into my back. 

"Look, (S/H/N)," Roy said bitterly before continuing, "about before-"
"What about it?" I asked, venom tracing my voice. 
"I just wanted to-" but before he could say anything else, an ear piercing scream emitted from the diner. 
"Hold that thought." I smiled forcefully at Roy before jumping down the building, and darting into the diner, Roy hot on my tail. 

A man with a hand gun stood a couple of meters away, pressing the end to the temple of a woman's head. Tears streamed down her face with plea, as the man who held her captive hand's shook. 
"I-If I can't help her, k-know one can!" The man screamed, pulling the woman closer.

I couldn't roll my eyes any further to the back of my head. Wow - haven't heard that one before I scoffed bitterly to myself. 
"Like old times?" Roy suggested, a sly smile on his lips. Although I was still mad at Roy, I couldn't help but also smirk at the thought of kicking someone's butt with him again. 

The moment the word slipped past my lips, Roy released one of his arrows, narrowly missing the mans hand, hitting the gun instead, causing for him to drop the gun. Once the man was distracted by Roy's arrow, I made my move, hurtling myself forwards and punching him square in the jaw, holding onto the woman's arm to keep her from falling along with the now unconscious man. 
"Are you alright, Miss?" The woman nodded shakily, tears still rolling down her cheeks. I glanced over to see Roy tying up the man. 
"My friend will help you home." I smiled at the woman before heading out of the diner.

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