Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

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Requested by: Toxicfoxr


Y/N = Your Name

S/H/N = Superhero Name

a/n/// i was gonna keep the readers superhero name as supergirl but then i realized that some people may have different preferences so yeah ok lets go

* * *

Most people would feel uncomfortable under Batman's harsh gaze, eyes unreadable beneath the mask. But you couldn't help but grin, completely unphased by the stare.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Superman asked behind you, a hand resting on your shoulder gently. Your gaze shifted to your father. A part of you wanted to clip that curl of hair away from his forehead but knew it would possibly 'blow his cover', or something. Because did a change of hairstyle and a pair of glasses actually work? You personally didn't think so.

"Of course," you said confidently.

"You sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable-"

"She's Lanes' child, Clark, as well as yours. We both know she won't back out of this one," Batman said. You couldn't help but detect the grin that threatened to stitch its way onto his face.

Your father looked at you, smiling fondly. "She definitely is," he said. He ruffled your hair quickly before turning back to Bruce.

"I trust you'll introduce her to the team?"

"Wait," you spoke up, "you're not coming?"

He smiled again. "I'm sorry, but-"

"Perry?" You asked.

Your father chuckled, nodding gently. "Perry - as usual."

* * *

When your father left, Bruce had begun to lead you to the entrance to Mount Justice. Of course, you already knew where it was, but you pretended you didn't, preferring to take the time to fly over the city, being sure to be in close enough range for Bruce to hear you.

"There's another Kryptonian on the team," he said, not looking at you.

You stopped, eyes widening. "What?!" You almost belted. "And you didn't think to tell me? What's their name? Their identity? Are they tall? Do they speak Kryptonian or is that just something dad tried to-"

"That's enough," Bruce said as he walked up to a photo booth. You shut your mouth quickly, landing next to him. Bruce sighed, finally looking at you. "He's half-Kryptonian, like you. He's- well, he's a clone of your father." You stayed silent, unsure what to say next. What did he mean? How did your father get a clone? And why hadn't he told you about it before?

"Do. . . do you think he'll hate me?" You asked softly as Bruce connected one of his gadgets to the screen, a hologram appearing.

He turned to you expressionless as always when he was Batman. "No. In fact, he might learn from you in some ways."

You nodded slowly, gaze shifting to the ground, nerves beginning to bundle up in your stomach. You looked down at the giant 'S' on your shirt, questioning if the other half-Kryptonian would become uncomfortable.

Your thoughts were cut short when Bruce told you to sit on the chair in the booth and stay still. You did as told, despite every nerve in your body telling you otherwise. The chair was cold beneath your thighs but you ignored it, however, it was hard to ignore it when there was a sudden flash and the chair was no longer there.

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