Aqualad x Reader

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Requested by: Lizardgurl


Y/N = Your Name
V/N = Vigilante Name


Loud huffs of air left my lungs as I lunged over the roof tops of buildings, desperate to get to the shop with smoke billowing out into the chilly night sky. I was attempting to track down any current information on Oswald Cobblepot's whereabouts in Gotham, yet all of them left a cold trail. 
"This better be worth it," I huffed, jumping over a gap between buildings. Once landing outside the shop, the loud shouts of men and gun fire echoed out onto the streets. I smirked.
"Sounds about worth it."

I decided to make my interest a little more interesting, and kicked through the window of the shop, kicking one of the gunmen down at the same time. The rest of the men turned to me, aiming their guns directly at me. I quickly raised my hands.
"Now, now - I don't want any trouble, boys. Just tell me where Cobblepot is, and this will all be over in-" Unable to finish my sentence, an arrow went through one of the men's hands, causing him to drop the gun with a loud scream. Suddenly, Red Arrow busted through the front door, firing multiple arrows at the men. I ducked out of the way into the next aisle as one skimmed past my ear. One of the gunmen seemed to have the same idea and copied me, quickly getting to his feet and stepping forwards, aiming his gun at me once more. I smirked and grabbed onto the side of the shelf, knocking it down on top of him. 
"So much for interrogation night," I sighed. 

Carefully stepping around the shelf, I saw that Red Arrow had managed to take down one of the men. 
"I had this ya know!" He grunted as he pulled out another bow. 
"Yeah, well, I'm your brother, I'm supposed to-"
"Don't pull that 'big brother' crap on me!" I yelled as I stamped over, holding an accusing finger at his face. "As soon as you went to partner up with that other arrow guy, I had to learn to fend for myself. You have no right-" 
"Hands up!" My eyes almost rolled to the back of my head.
"Of course you had to speak up in the middle of our family reunion," I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Guys like you are-" Before I could continue, a blast of water hit the man, throwing him into the wall and knocking him out. I turned to Roy who held a smug look on his face.
". . . did you bring a friend?" Roy's smug look was quickly replaced with scowl. 

I turned to see who Roy had decided to let tag along, only to see a tall boy with dark skin contrasting against his bleach blonde hair. He stared at me then at Roy.
"Is this her?" I pulled myself out of my trance and turned back to Roy.
"Wait - you've been looking for me?" Roy sighed and went to place a hand on my shoulder. I pulled away, glaring up at him. 
"I'm sorry, Roy, but you can't leave me then suddenly try and worm your way into my life." I looked back at Roy's friend and smiled curtly. 
"Sorry to cut it short - but I'm needed elsewhere." And with that I fled the building.

However, I didn't go to far as I watched from the roof across the building. I watched as the pair communicated with the authorities. I chuckled as a frown stayed set on Roy's face - he was never the best when it came to large crowds. My eyes carefully traveled over to his friend. I wasn't sure what it was, but something just seemed so appealing to the eye. I grinned to myself. 
"This should be interesting."

Weeks later I found myself becoming more and more intrigued by Roy's friend, attempting to find him wherever I could. A few times, as I much as I hated to admit, I began a few brawls between gangs to try and grab his attention; it worked. I waited until he and his team arrived, then dropped down and began to attack the gang members. The group of teens stared in shock as I began to drop each member one after another. After putting down the last member with a swift kick, I looked up at the team who stared in shock, a few keeping a steady hand on their weapon. Kaldur stepped forward. 
"You're-" he began.
"You know who I am," I quickly stated, a small smirk playing on my lips. "The better question is who are you? Surely my Red Arrow wouldn't bring just anyone on a simple break-in."
"Wait, Kaldur, you know this girl?" Robin asked as he stepped forwards, just behind Kaldur, an unsure look on his face. The smirk grew on my lips.
"Kaldur, huh?"

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