Batman x Reader

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Requested by: Jiofeta123


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

* * *

Pushing the spreadsheets aside, you rested your elbows on your desk, head in your hands.

"Miss (L/N)?" Your assistant spoke up, knocking on your door before entering. Raising your head, you greeted her with a small smile, silently asking her to continue. "The stats from sales in Australia have come in - they've risen quite a bit due to their weather pattern."

"What's the percentage?" You asked, sitting up straight in your seat and clicking through links in your emails.

"About twenty percent. This month." Your eyes widened at her statement, eyes slowly moving to meet hers.

"Well, I guess we should have a celebration of sorts," you said with a smile, leaning back in your seat, attempting to remain as professional as you could, refraining from releasing a yawn.

"You forgot, didn't you?" You raised a brow at your assistant's statement. "You have the gala tonight. To launch (L/N) Corps' partnership with the Justice League?"

Your eyes darted to the clock on your laptop screen. You were meant to leave a half-hour ago to prepare yourself for the gala.

"Shit, shit, shit," you mumbled, gathering your belongings and jogging out of your office. "Tell Gary to pull my car out - also, remind me to raise your pay for the month!"

* * *

Stepping inside the large hall, you were almost immediately swarmed by paparazzi and journalists. You took photos and autographs until your friend caught the corner of your eye.

"Louis!" You called out, stepping up the steps a bit faster to reach her end of the line. You took her into a quick hug, to which she quickly reciprocated. "How have you been?"

"It's been great, (Y/N)," she said, grinning widely at your presence. You stood slightly taller than her, which may have been due to your heels.

You glanced behind her quickly. "Where's Clark?" You asked.

Louis blew a brief sigh. "He called in sick. I just don't think he wants to have another run-in with Bruce Wayne."

Your eyebrows narrowed slightly. "Bruce Wayne? Here? Why?" Multiple questions stung in your head. This was meant to be your company's night. Not his. Leaving Louis with a brief quote for the Daily Planet, you went inside the gala, grabbing the nearest flute of champagne. Because if Bruce Wayne was in fact at your gala - you were in for one heck of a night.

* * *

The night had run by smoothly with little to no casualty, other than a few guests drinking more than what they should have. But then the Justice League had arrived. The sight of the superheroes create a large ball of anxiety in your stomach, and you shot down another flute of champagne in an attempt to rid of it. The sudden flood of alcohol in your system probably didn't help.

One of your company's sponsors stood on the stage a few meters away from the League members. You denied giving a speech yourself, not wanting to leak the fact that you were the CEO of your company, relishing in the quietness it gave you in your daily life.

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