Klarion x Reader

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Requested by: Spellcaster_Avenger

Song Title: Lost Boy by Ruth B


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


Losing my footing, I fell to the training rooms floor with a grunt.
"Come on," Canary ordered as she stood above me. "Get up." I slowly got up despite the pain in my side that begged me to stay down. 
"I'm not even going at one-hundred percent," Canary stated as she threw a punch. I blocked it, barely. I could feel the rest of the teams stares piercing into me, but I removed the feeling as I threw a punch at Canary. Unfortunately, she managed to block it, quickly using my attack against me and turning me around, pushing my arm against my back.
"Get out of it," she said.
"Get out of my hold - I know you can do it." I whimpered slightly as she put more pressure onto my arm.
"I-I can't," I said as I struggled in her grip. She tightened it.
"Just get out of my hold and you can go."
"I can't," I said, grunting slightly.
"Yes, you can. You just-"
"I can't!" I felt energy well up in my palms, giving Canary a short wave of energy and throwing her backwards. I turned to her with a gasp, holding my hands to my chest.
"I-I'm so sorry!" I cried, watching her stand up with a hand to her head. I looked at the rest of the team who stared on in shock. "Y-you know I can't control it some times," I whispered, looking at Canary. Disappointment was evident in her eyes. I looked at the ground.
"I'm gonna go take a shower," I mumbled, before quickly vanishing into my room. 

I collapsed onto my bed with a long sigh, curling myself up into a ball. It was the third time that week that my powers had been set off. I stared at my hands, watching as the black matter swirled around in my palm, begging to be released. I clenched my hand shut. I sat up as I continued to stare at my hands. 
"Don't worry - we'll teach you how to control your powers," I mocked, growling. The black matter swirled around my clenched hands and through my veins. The begging to be set free seemed to grow louder; and I did. A wave of darkness surrounded my body, releasing around my room. When I opened my eyes, my room at been lifted and turned upside down. I sighed and looked towards my now cracked mirror.
"How can you control something that not even I can understand?" 

"It's a simple drop-in and rescue mission," Batman said the next day. It was another mission that resembled many of the others; go in and get out without any hassle.
"The hostages are located here," he said, the hologram moving to show the outline of the west section of the Happy Harbor docking ports. Batman turned and scanned us evenly. "I expect no casualties from tonight - both hostages and captors." We nodded one last time before we headed to M'gann's ship. Before I could follow after the rest of the team, Batman placed a hand roughly on my shoulder.
"Yes, sir?" I asked, keeping my voice calm and steady.
"I know about what happened with your training with Canary yesterday - you need to keep your powers under check. Or else we can no longer allow you to be a part of this team." So much for helping those in need.
"Yes. . . sir."

If only it were the simple drop-in and rescue mission Batman had asked for. One of the hostages had spotted us just as we were making our way to our posts, screaming in joy and hope when they saw us. 
"If only they learned to scream after we saved them," Conner said as we moved in. I managed to dodge the bullets that flew by. Once close enough I sent out a small line of dark matter, taking the gun from one of the men and hitting him in the head with it.
(S/H/N), your path is clear - start getting the hostages out. Kaldur order. Without responding I transported to the crate, opening it with the black matter falling from my hands. 
"Alright, everyone out - run in the opposite direction of the fight!" They nodded scarcely, spilling out of the crate. I counted them one by one.
". . . fifteen. . . sixteen. . . sevente- guys, there's one missing!" I hollered as I watched the last hostage leave. 
"Think it was that easy, didn't you?" I whirled around to see one of the gun man holding the final hostage close to his body as a human shield.
"Let her go!" I ordered. The woman let out a small whimper as the mans grip tightened. He pressed the nose of the gun deeper into the woman's temple, his thumb flickering to the trigger. My eyes widened and I quickly sent a line of black matter to him, smacking him upside the jaw. Freeing herself from his grip, the woman began to bolt in the opposite direction. 

The man raised his gun, aiming for her head.
"No!" I cried, sending I final wave of black matter, wrapping it around his throat. He automatically dropped the gun, his fingers grasping at the matter that just slipped through them. His body twisted and turned, desperate to free himself. 
"(S/H/N)! That's enough!" However Kaldur's words simply passed through my head. I could feel the mans neck beginning to break from the tension, his face beginning to lose its color. The black matter traveled through my veins and slowly into my neck whilst I stared into the mans eyes. I was suddenly snatched into reality by Kaldur pulling me away. When I saw the disgust and anger in his eyes, I suddenly felt much smaller.
"When I tell you to stop, you do so." I nodded slowly, looking away and slowly following him and the team back to the ship, for a long, sullen ride back to Mount Justice.

"What were you thinking?" Canary belted as she stalked over to me. 
"I-I was-"
"What? Not thinking about the consequences of taking a mans life?"
"Of course not!"
"Then what was it?!" I wanted to tell how powerful it felt; to see how weak a man could be with just a simple thought; to feel what it was like to be more than what I really was.
"I just. . . I lost control, again," I mumbled, staring at the ground. Canary let out a loud sigh.
"You've got to get it under control," she lectured, before walking out of my room.
"Yeah. . . control."

"Are you kidding? We just had a mission the other day!" Wally whined as Batman informed us of our next mission. I ignored his whine, keeping to myself as usual during the briefings. Batman did as well, going back to the computers holographic screen. 
"Witch Boy has been spotted in Gotham causing havoc. The League believe it's a simple distraction from something bigger with the Light. You're to go to Gotham and stop him as soon as possible."

A loud grunt emitted from my throat as I dodged one of Klarion's attacks. I scanned the rest of the perimeter; Conner and M'gann attempted to distract Klarion whilst Wally came up from behind to tackle him, only for Klarion to vanish just as Wally went to touch him. 
"W-what? Where did he go?!" I held my breath and waited for appear, the black matter swirling around in my hand.
"I thought I sensed another magic girl." I gasped and twisted my body around, shooting waves of black matter, sending Klarion flying backwards. He coughed a laugh as he stood up.
"Powerful, too," he smirked, then faltered it. "But you're holding back, aren't you, magic girl?" I growled and raised my hands, sending a much larger wave. Klarion held up a shield with his own powers.
"That's better," he purred. Just as I was about to charge, he vanished again. I scrambled to my feet, scanning the area around me.
"You should join me," he whispered in my ear. I threw my head back instantly, knocking him in the nose. He let out a loud whine at my move.
"Magic isn't all I'm made of." He frowned and pouted slightly, making me almost cringe. But then he sighed and vanished again.

I jumped over the car, attempting to meet with the rest of the team. Halfway there, Klarion appeared above them.
"Guys! Look out!" But before they could react, Klarion set a cage over them. 
"Is that all you got?!" Wally screamed, attempting to shake the cage. Klarion faked a yawn and hovered back to the ground, walking over to me with a wicked grin. 
"Aw, you care for them!" My eyes narrowed into a glare, black matter forming in my palms. Klarion tusked. "Even after everything they've said to you? After all the times they've kept you back from you're true potential?" My glare fell slightly, along with my stance, but I was quick to correct it. 
"How do you kn- shut up, Witch Boy!" He tusked again.
"Please, I've seen the way you fight; that day on the docks, how did all that power feel?" My eyes widened.
"T-that was you?" I whispered. His smirk grew. 
"Come with me," he said, holding out a hand. A sudden red portal appeared behind him. 
"(S/H/N), what are you doing?!" Kaldur yelled from the cage. I didn't spare a glance at him, my eyes trained on Klarion's hand. I looked up at his face, his features still confident and hopeful. 

I hesitantly took his hand, guiding myself closer to the portal. I ignored the teams cries and please for me to return. Hooking his arm with mine, he clapped loudly. 
"Come,Teekl!" His ginger cat suddenly appeared from an upside down car, jumping onto my shoulders, causing me to jump in surprise. I looked at Klarion who had a much less sinister smile on his face.
"Let's show you what real power feels like."


This is probably shorter than usual because this is getting split up into 2 parts so yeah, that's coming up next! However it may or may not be up tomorrow because I have a Media Studies internal thing due on Friday and I haven't gotten checkpoint three signed off yet. 

However, you are still free to request if you would like! Just let me know by either commenting or messaging me directly.

Chika chika


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