Kid Flash x Reader

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Requested by: ugh_killme


Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

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Seeing the same ink that was embedded into your skin since the time of your birth was something you had grown used to. And the idea of idea of finding a soulmate? Not true; fake; unrealistic. You always thought that there's never really a need for a soulmate. You had friends. You had a family. What was more there to be needed?

The idea of being stuck with one person haunted you. What if they didn't like you? What if you didn't like them? Would you have to remain eternally bound?

Some people traveled the globe to find their soulmate. From LA to Australia; Bulgaria to France; Romania to New Zealand. Some would find true love. Some would find friendship and gratitude for living. Others got more tattoos, wanting to hide the fact that they were still searching or had found them. Because sometimes the one's we find are not the ones we want.

But there were some who never searched - some who only stay where they grow up and move on to live, settling down with someone else, both knowing they weren't soulmates, but in love nevertheless. Because to experience love you never needed your soulmate.

You were one of those people, taking away your time to find your soulmate and replacing it with more important aspects of living. However, sometimes you would take your time to color in the tattoo, pretending that you had found them. The simple pattern was something that others would admire: the small outline of a rose on your finger, the petals transparent for your skin to fill in the colorless spot.

You had caught yourself at 3 a.m. staring at the little thing. But when you blinked, you pulled yourself out of the daze, shaking your head vigorously. Your most probably bloodshot eyes went back to your computer, staring at the tiny words on the screen. There were only ten days until the end of your semester, and you still hadn't finished your final paper. Which was also due in ten days.

A loud groan came from your throat, your head making contact with the desk with a light thud. For a moment you were thankful for living in your own flat. But then it was ultimately crushed at the memory of the lack of food in your kitchen. Just as you were about to groan once again, a rumble emitted from your stomach instead. You held your stomach tightly, glancing from it to the bright computer screen. Chewing your bottom lip anxiously, you blew a sigh and saved your document. Multiple times (just in case).

"Food first," you told yourself as you threw on a jacket and jeans, snatching your keys and wallet. "Stupid literature paper second."

Leaving your apartment, you kept your head down and arms crossed over your chest. It wasn't that you were in a dangerous part of Star City, but no one took many chances. A sudden ease dropped into your stomach when you saw the lights of the corner store come into view. 

Stepping inside the store, you gave a quick nod and smile to the cashier, which they politely returned. And that's enough socializing for one night, you told yourself, heading over to the frozen foods aisle.

You stared at the options before you. There was one pizza with your favorite toppings on it. But you were brand loyal, so when you attempted to take that pizza, you felt guilty and looked at your favorite brand. You were standing under the bright light for perhaps ten minutes. Or fifteen. You weren't really sure. 

The small bell of another customer entering the store only grasped your attention for a split second. You wondered how many other people were out that night. Walking down the streets with their friends, maybe slightly drunk, or looking for something to eat. 

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