Nightwing x Reader

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A/N: Trigger warning - mentions of attempted rape, slight sexual scenes, parental abuse.

Requested by: SlytherinGirl111

Song title: I Don't Know How To Love Him from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar


Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name


I never believed in the idea of superheroes; that they'd swoop in and save you when you needed saving; that they'd protect you from the world's other monsters. No. I learned that you have to look after yourself the hard way, and depend on no one - especially those who stand to protect - because if they don't help you, who will?

That's all I knew as I was walking back to my apartment, keeping my hands stuffed in the pockets of my jacket, the clicking of my heels bouncing off the walls of the empty streets of Blüdhaven. I waved to a couple of the girls as they stayed for the later night shifts, but my 'employer' knew about my current situation. Which is why I was walking so hurriedly, just wanting to get back to my younger brothers and let them know that I'm okay, and remind them again that everything was going to be okay. That night it wasn't.

"Hey, how much is it for a, uh-"
"I'm not working tonight," I said quickly, ignoring the man's request as I continued to walk. He was persistent however, grabbing onto my arm and pulling me back.
"I was asking, how much do I have to pay you for-"
"And I said I'm not working." I attempted to pull myself away from the man's hold, but instead was dragged into the alley way. My heart began to race as the man's unforgiving hands groped at my body.
"Just a let me have a little fun," the man murmured against my neck. My body went stiff and numb, unable to react to the merciless touch, almost willing to let the man get it over and done with.

As the man's hand traveled up my inner thigh, he was ripped off me with such force I stumbled backwards against the wall. The relentless sound of knuckles meeting bones crackled in the alley way, before the man's body thumped against the ground.
"Nightwing. . ." I whispered under my breath as I stared at him, a reassuring smile rested on his face.
"Are you okay, Miss?" I shook my head, wobbling on my legs slightly.
"I'm fine," I said, taking in a sharp breath. "Wouldn't be the first time someone mistook me for having the night off." Nightwing stared at me, his eyes wandering up and down my body.
"So you're a p-"
"Escort," I said harshly, pulling my jacket over myself comfortably under his gaze. My phone suddenly went off, filling the silence between us. I pulled it out of my bag quickly, reading the text from my younger brother. I let out another sigh. I was late - again.
"Do you need me to walk you home?" I shook my head.
"I doubt anyone will try doing something like that again." Nightwing stared at me in confusion. "Word gets around quickly," I continued, "they'll start to think you're my protector or something."
"And why can't I be?" He asked.
"Because I need this job," I said tautly, before hurriedly walking the rest of the way home.

Walking into the rotten apartment, I saw my two younger brothers sprawled out uncomfortably on the couch, however in a deep slumber. I laughed quietly to myself, taking off my boots and turning off the TV. The change in light source stirred the two boys awake.
"(Y/N)?" Sam stumbled out, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I sighed inwardly.
"Hey, Sammy," I cooed gently. "What have I told you two about going to sleep on the couch?" Hunter stared at me with a small, tired smile on his face.
"That we should fold it out for when you come back," he said. I smiled and nodded, before helping the two boys fold out the bed. I laid between them as the gripped onto me.
"Have you two gotten into any trouble at school lately?" I asked. The boys shook their heads, smiling innocently.
"We got asked what we wanted to be today," Hunter said, tiredness lingering in his voice.
"And what did you say?" I asked.
"I said I wanted to be like a superhero and help people." I laughed quietly to myself as the boy let out a yawn. I turned to Sam, waiting for his response.
"So what did you say?" Sam shifted slightly, before looking at me with determination.
"I said that I wanted to be like you." My eyes widened slightly.
"Why would you want to be like me?" I asked him. He beamed at me.
"Because you're my superhero." I swallowed back my tears before kissing him on the head gently.
"Thank you, Sammy."

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