Chapter Four

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"Reese," Ian calls, I lay awake and afraid in my bed. "Reese get your lazy ass out of bed," he groans.

"Just a minute," I yell back. Shawn lay asleep next to me on the bed. He holds me against him. "Shawn," I mumble. His strong grip brings me comfort and warmth.

"Reese," Ian opens the door. "Oh," he winks. "I'll leave you two alone then," he nudges me through the air.

"Get out," I groan falling back on the bed. Slowly Ian closes the door and Shawn's eyes open.

"Good morning," he smiles kissing my neck. "Did you sleep well?" He smiles sweetly and his kisses are soft.

"Yeah," I nod sighing as I let my head fall back against the pillow. Slowly he sits up straight and stretches his arms out.

"What's wrong?" He pouts falling so he hovers on top of me.

"What's gonna happen on Monday?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you gonna go back to hating and beating me up or are we gonna become a thing?" I cross my arms.

"I'll figure it out, ok?" His eyes go soft, something I've never seen before. "What you don't trust me?" He fake gasps making me laugh. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile," his smile grows. "You have an amazing smile," he compliments letting his lips touch mine.

"You have beautiful eyes," I let my hands trace his face. "And a gorgeous smile," my thumbs ran over his lips.

"Not as pretty as yours," he moves my hands planting a sweet kiss against my lips. "Come on let's go downstairs," he connected our hands.

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" I giggled. "Just let me do my makeup," I popped up grabbing my makeup bag and running out before he could protest.

"You look just fine without makeup," he chuckles. I want to protest because he hasn't really seen me without makeup, he just thinks he has.

"Go downstairs I'll meet you there," I send him off trying to get rid of him so I can take the smeared makeup I had on now, off.

"Alright," he breaths chuckling before I listened to his footsteps fade. I grab the makeup remover wipes and take all of the makeup off before I realize I grabbed the wrong bag.

"Shit," I curse. Quickly I scan the area before. Running into my room to get my makeup.

"Hey Reese you," he pauses looking at me. "Resse," his voice softens as he looks at my scars. "I did this didn't I?" He looks down.

"It's not only your fault," I reassure trying to make him less upset. It is amazing that after spending only a few short hours with him I feel such an emotional connection. "Don't be upset, please?" I beg, his pout makes me upset too.

"I'm sorry," he sighs. "I knew that it was bad but I didn't know it was this bad." He pouts yet again sticking his bottom lip out farther. "And you still let me take something from you that you can never get back," he sighs again referring to my virginity.

"You know you could make it better," I try using sexual phrases to perk him up. I let my fingers trace his abs and chest area.

"Stop it, Reese I'm not kidding," he grabs my wrist.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to make you feel better," I pout.

"Baby?" He pauses and looks me in the eyes. "Can I call you that?" He asks cautiously I simply nod. "Wanna do something with me today? So I can prove that I actually do care?" His fingers lace themselves in my hair.

"Alright," I nod giving his cheek a sweet kiss. "But you don't have to," I smile.

"But I want to," his hands grasp my thighs and he lifts me up. My legs wrap around his torso and his lips crash against mine.

"I'm sorry for hurting you princess," he mumbles against my lips. "But I want you to know that I don't hate you," he pulled back.

"I don't hate you either," I smiled tracing his face.

"Do you love me?" He smiles cheekily.

"Not yet," I shake my head. "But maybe with time," I kiss his cheek.

"Well then this'll be awkward because Reese Matthews," he looks at me dead in the eyes. "I think I'm in love with you,"

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