Chapter One Hundred and Eight

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"Wanna take them on a walk?" I smile looking outside. "They don't get out a lot." I giggle playing with Jericho's fingers.

"Some how I don't think the outdoors will interest them much," he switches the tv off confusing Mercy and Kaiden.

"Well maybe Adam will, when was the last time we brought him to a park?" I pick up some of the toys from the ground while keeping Jericho on my hip.

"Ok fine," he gives lifting Kaiden. "We'll take them to a park," he lays Kaiden in his car seat.


"Look at him," I sigh squeezing Shawn's bicep while we watch Adam run around the playground.

"Princess," he kisses my temple gently as we sit on the bench.

"Yeah?" I continue staring, almost entranced by our son.

"Can you look at me?" He sighs a little and groans.

"I'm sorry," I pout a little looking at him.

"Listen," he laced our fingers together. "My hiatus ended," he nods slightly looking between me and Adam. "And Andrew wants me back on the road right away." He moves the hair from my face. "I'm gonna be gone for a while," he looks down.

"Well I'm sure it won't be that bad," I roll my eyes.

"It's a year," he bites his lip as I swallow harshly.

"A year?" My hands start shaking a little. "H-how am I supposed to," he stops me with a soft kiss.

"I'll be paying all of the bills and everything while I'm gone." He reassures while I watch Adam. I don't look to him I just stare out our little boy who tries making friends. "I just wanted to tell you before I left," he sighs a little.

"Ok, I'm gonna go see Adam," I point standing with Jericho in a carrier on my front. "Hi baby?" I kneel down next to him. "Hi," I kiss his small forehead and he skips in excitement.

"Mama," he hugs me softly as to not disturb his little brother.

"Yeah baby," I kiss his forehead again and lift him up. "Lets go home," I hold the two of them while Shawn pushes the one stroller we brought.

"Reese," he pouts a little. "Reese slow down," he calls trying to stop me. I completely ignore him and try to get to the house quickly before I brake down. "Reese," he sighs as I run up the driveway and into the house. I set Adam on the ground and bring Jericho up to his room, he starts crying screaming in fact and I can't hold my tears back any longer.

"Sh," I take him out of the carrier and I curl in a ball against the rocking chair. "Sh," I hush letting it rock gently back and forth. "We'll be alright, I promise," I whisper to him.

"Reese," he sighs walking in. "I never meant to," I quickly wipe my eyes and lay Jericho in his crib before taking off the carrier. "Are you crying?" He furrows his eyebrows trying to get closer to me. "Baby please?" He lays Mercy with her brother and places Kaiden with them as well in an attempt to get to me quicker.

"Where's Adam?" I push past him. He sits on the floor of the kitchen trying to stand up. He reaches for the counter. "No Adam don't touch that," a knife sits above him and he hits the handle. "Adam," I scream lunging towards him as does Shawn. The knife pierces through my hand. "Shit," I mumble looking at it in pain. "God fucking dammit," I say a little louder still trying to stay quiet enough so that Adam won't hear. "Jesus Shawn can you help me please?" I groan as he sits in pure panic.

"Mama?" Adam pouts his bottom lip trembling the poor little boy then bursts into tears.

"Hey," Shawn smiles a little lifting him up. "It's alright," he hushes.

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