Chapter Seventy Six

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"To Pickering," I look at the lady at the behind the desk and run my hand over Adams back in his carrier.

"Alright the next flight is in a few hours," she smiles.

"Thanks," I grab the tickets and walk towards security. My phone buzzes.

"Shawn where'd you go?" My dads worried voice rings in my ear.

"I'm going home," I respond simply.

"Reese is in the middle of a nervous brake down and you took Adam and left?" He speaks with great disappointment.

"Yeah," I sigh. "She was smoking and it's not good for her, I told her to stop and she didn't so I left," I shrug.

"She's gone through three packs in the last hour." He rolls his eyes. "And she keeps making them go get her more, she's going to kill herself Shawn," he speaks sternly.

"Can you give her the phone," I sigh.

"Hello," her voice is shaky and I can almost taste the smoke of her cigarette.

"Reese," I pout.

"What happened to princess?" She lights another one.

"Reese," I repeat. "You've gotta stop,"

"What's gonna happen to us?" She sniffs ignoring me completely.

"I think we should take a break," I respond calmly.

"But, but why?" I can hear the gasps of everyone else in the room I assume it's on speaker. "You cried when I told you I wanted a divorce but now that you think we need it it's ok?" She scoffs.

"It's not like that," I sigh.

"Then that's it? I'm getting dumped over the phone?" She scoffs and cries a little.

"Reese you deserve complete devotion," she cuts me off.

"And you promised to give that to me when we got married, and you promised that you'd give me complete devotion when you proposed to me." She squeals. "I guess none if it meant anything to you," she sighs. My mom takes the phone.

"She has feelings too Shawn, and you've just stomped on all of them," she sighs. "Goodbye Shawn, we'll see you in a few days." She sighs.

"Bye mom, I love you," I bite my lip.

"I love you too," and she ends the call.

"Mommy hates me," I whisper to the infant strapped to my stomach.

"You're gonna have to remove the carrier," the guard points.

Reese's POV

"Sh," my mother holds me against her in a hug. They took away all of my cigarettes after I went through six packages.

"Why did he lie to me?" I give her the dough eyes. "I thought he loved me, he barely seemed concerned." I sniff.

"He loves you baby," she whispers to me.

"No he doesn't," I take off my ring and put it on the nightstand beside the bed. "He just wanted to stay out of trouble," I sob harder.

"Butter Cup?" Jake pouts. "I know you're upset but we've got a show in forty five minutes, Becky want to know if you're coming?" He runs his hand over my back.

"I'm coming," I nod wiping my eyes.

"Are you sure?" He pulls me closer to him.

"I'm sure," I nod.

"You're very brave," he smiles.

"Adam," I gasp looking at the stuffed animal on the ground. More tears flood my eyes. "He took my baby boy," I sniff.

"Come here," my mom pouts.

"Why would he do this to me mama?" I pout.

"I don't know baby, I can't tell you in the slightest but I can tell you that you are strong." She nods. "And you are not like the other girls who will cry for days about this, you'll get over him quickly," she kisses my head.

"I don't want to," I sniff. "He was my first love my first everything and I really love him, and I thought he loved me," I sniff.

"I'm sure he did, maybe he still does I don't know baby," she holds me tightly.

"Thank you," I whisper. "When do we leave?" I walk into the bathroom and take off my makeup.

"Five minutes," Jake shrugs.

"Ok," I nod. "Is tonight the last show or the second last?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"There's another one tomorrow and the rest of the time is just for us." He explains.

"Alright," I nod. His arms wrap around me and suddenly I'm sobbing again.

"Hey, hey, hey," the other walk in. "Don't cry," they all form a circle around me.

"He took Adam with him," Jake sighs.

"He took my baby," I sniff.

"You wanna go? We don't have to," they hush.

"I wanna go," I nod.

"Ok, we'll meet you in the car," they walk away. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh.

"Maybe I wasn't good enough," I sniff.


"My hairs all gone," I looked down. "Are you still gonna love me?" I squeezed him tighter.

"Always," he reassured.

End of flashback

"Always my ass," I groan removing my bracelet, a bracelet he had given me on our wedding day, a day that meant nothing to him.

"I'm sure he did care," my mom walks in.

"He couldn't have," I shake my head. "It was probably Ian making him," I sigh.

"Why would you say that?" She gasps.

"For two years straight he physically abused me, and then one night he showed up at my house and all of the sudden he was in love with me." I shrug. "It makes sense,"

"I'm sure that's not true," she sighs.

"I have to go, I'm gonna be late for the show," I grab my room key and hand it to my mom. "Just give it back later," I smile weakly and walk out. I make my way towards the elevator and I push the button getting in and going to the main floor.

To Ian: did you make Shawn act like he loved me so I wouldn't have to be so broken?

I get no response. Now I know where I stand.

To Shawn: when I get back we're signing the divorce papers. And I want full custody over Adam.

I then close my phone and walk to the car. "I'm so done with him," I shake my head.

"So now that he's available?" Jake teases and the others yell at him.

"He's all yours," I chuckle.

"You're gonna make me cry," he giggles.

"I think I'm gonna call Justin back," I bite my lip.

"Someone's got a crush,"

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