Chapter Seventy Two

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I walk slowly down the stairs. His face is light up by the light of his computer. He looks so focused on whatever he's doing. I shouldn't bother him, I think to myself. "Reese," his face lights up when he sees me and my heart melts. "I want to talk to you about something," he smiles waving me over and sitting normally on the small couch.

"I wanted to talk to you about something too," I smile weekly. I can feel my palms sweating as I walk down the stairs to where he is.

"You can go first," he smiles.

"Shawn," I sigh. He pats the spot next to him and I shake my head.

"You look nervous?" He pouts. "You don't have to be afraid to talk to me,"

"I want to start off by telling you that you're a great guy," I bring his hands into mine. "And I really did love you," I look at his soft pale face and the rosy tint to his cheeks, the little scar he has. "I want a divorce," I look everywhere but his eyes, in fact I can barely look at his face.

"You what?" He coughs a little.

"I want a divorce," I give him a look of sympathy.

"Liar," he shakes his head. "You're kidding right? Princess I don't like this joke," he gives me a stern look.

"It's not a joke," I brush my hand over his hair.

"I-I," he just stutters.

"I'm sorry," I pout.

"Why are we divorcing? Don't you love me? I love you," his tears are almost audible.

"I don't know Shawn," I shake my head. "But you are a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you."

"What about your promise?" He wipes his eyes. "You promised you'd always love me, were you lying?" He pouts his lip trembling.

"I wasn't lying I just," I pause unsure of what to say.

"Did you love me then either? Reese we've been married a month," he cocks his head to the side.

"I know, I know," I sigh.

"None of it means anything to you anymore?" He lets more tears fall.

"It'll always mean something to me. It's just that," I pause as I look at his eyes. The soft brown of his eyes is over powered by the red from his lack of sleep. There are large dark rings underneath his eyes and tears spill from them. "Come here," I pout giving him a hug.

"I-i thought you wanted to leave me?" He sniffs confused.

"I don't know what I want Shawn," I sigh kissing his cheek. "I'm short tempered I'm on drugs," I pause realizing I had confessed.

"What drugs?" He gives me a concerned look.

"My medicine," I nod slowly.

"Princess, I found the bag," he whispers. "I wanted you to admit it,"

"I'm sorry," I almost begin crying myself.

"Don't do it again," he says sternly.

"I won't," I breath a shaky breath.

"Now what were you saying?" He smiles.

"I don't know what I want," I explain. "But I do know I want you to be there with me," I swallow.

"A minute ago, you were gonna leave me," he lets me wipe his tears. "Why'd you change your mind?" His eyebrows furrow and the flow of tears stops.

"I looked into your eyes, my baby boy's nice gentile brown eyes and I fell in love," I whisper. "I do love you Shawn, I didn't know I did, I've just been making all decisions off of the interview we did."

"Princess I tried so hard," I stop him with my lips.

"I believe you," I smile kissing him again. "Now come upstairs, you look cold uncomfortable and tired," I stand and grab his hands leading him up the stairs.

"I-I still haven't told you what I wanted to," he mumbles shyly.

"Go ahead my prince," I smile.

"I-I think," I stop him briefly as we walk into the room. I turn the lights on making both of us wince a little from the brightness and soon after I turn them on leaving us with only the light of our lamps.

"What do you think love," I sit behind him and rub his shoulders.

"I think that we should move," he sighs in pleasure. "I wanna start a new life," he explains. "I want us to make a new life with Adam and maybe more babies someday. And I'm gonna take a year off of music so I can do it," I crawl around him and he pulls me onto his lap.

"You mean it?" I gasp a little.

"I do," he nods.

"I really did marry the perfect man," I giggle.

"Really because if I recall correctly you were complaining about him two days ago?" Ian says in annoyance. "Go to sleep," he huffs.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "If it really bothers you so much close your door," I call while he shuts ours. "Have you thought of anywhere we could move?" My eyebrows furrow.

"I found this really nice place a little ways away from here. There's lots of space and the land is huge there's a pool and there's lots of place for Adam to play, and for us to make some more babies," his lips hit my neck.

"Well first we have to worry about Milan in a few days, and then we have the house to go and scope out," I smile. "And then we have the doctors appointment which will clear me to help you make more babies," I giggle and press my lips on his. "Plus I have to make you a massage appointment." I touch his back. "I'm sorry I made you sleep on the couch," I whisper cuddling him a little.

"I'm sorry I made you want a divorce," he kisses my neck again.

"I might even do a massage for myself,"

"The masseuse isn't allowed to be a man," he shakes his head.

"And yours can't be a woman," I cross my arms.

"Deal," he smiles. "Now come with me, I have your bottle all ready," he lifts me up and carries me away.

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