Chapter Twenty

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One week later

"You ready?" He places a hand on my back.

"Yeah I'm ready." I nod grabbing his hand. "Bye Ian," I smile.

"Have fun," he commands. "And try not to stress so much." He points as we walk off. "Call me when you land,"

"I will," I smile walking with Shawn.

"How's my baby doing?" He questions as we walk towards our gate.

"I don't know it's still early remember," I listen to his laugh.

"I was talking about you," I blush and look down replying with a simple,

"Oh," I stare at the floor an embarrassment.

"So how are you doing?" His arm wraps around my shoulder.

"I'm nervous," I confess.

"Why? It's not gonna be that bad to spend time with me will it?" He teases.

"It's not that, it's just that I haven't been on a flight in five years." I look to the floor.

"You'll have fun I promise." He chuckles and sits me down at our gate.

"Ok," I nod resting my head against his shoulder. "How come you never told me you sang?" I question randomly.

"I sang to you all of the time." He playfully rolls his eyes. "Remember?" My legs drape over his.

"Yeah but is didn't know you were serious about it," I chuckle.

"Well I didn't think I was either," he smiles kissing my temple.

"I'm happy for you. You're really good," I bury my head into his chest.

"You are such a cute couple," a few older couples walk past.

"Oh no we aren't dating," I move and Shawn pouts.

"We should be." He sighs. "Kiss me?" He turns to face me.

"What why?" I'm a bit taken back by his question.

"Just kiss me," he sighs pressing his lips against mine. His hand holds my cheek and his lips dance with mine. "I still feel it," he pulls away. "Do you not?"

"I feel something," I whisper.

"Explain it to me." He begs.

"My stomach fills with butterflies," I look at the seat between the two of us. "A shiver runs up my spine, and it's like nothing matters anymore." I sigh.

"That's so cheesy," he giggles. "But I'm going to tell you a secret." He whispers leaning towards me. "I feel the same," he touches his lips onto mine.

"Can we try again," I move him back. "I know this is what you've been asking me for so long, and I have just been stubborn and annoying saying no but I really like you." I run my fingers threw his hair. "And I want to be yours again," I crawl into his arms.

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