Chapter Ninty Four

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February fourteenth

Her gentile brown eyes open slowly as she greets me with a smile. "Happy," I stop her with my lips the second I know she's awake. She just grabs the back of my neck and falls back onto the bed letting me kiss her.

"Happy anniversary," I pull back.

"Took the words right outta my mouth," she winks kissing me again. I smile and run my hands over her back. She sits up more wrapping her arms around my neck. "I love you," she smiles.

"I love you too," I smile. "I loved you long before you loved me," I giggle a little.

"I didn't know shat love was," she shrugs. "The only people I had ever loved left me and I didn't know if love even existed after that," she shrugs. "Plus you hated me seven hours before you said you loved me the first time. I was worried Ian forced you into it." She huffs a little.

"Princess," I sigh looking down a little, my hands grab hers as I give her a small pout. "It's been a year," I nod. "We've been married a year, one of the best years of my life but now I feel like I should tell you." I sigh.

"It's ok," her hand brushes my shoulder.

"No baby you're gonna get mad at me, really, really mad," I sigh.

"No I won't get mad, as long as you aren't cheating on me I promise I won't get too mad at you," she kisses my cheek. It makes me feel dirty as she kisses me so gently. How she promises to spare my feelings while I'm about to crush hers.

"Come here," I hold my arms out and she crawls under them sitting on my lap working her way into my embrace. Her head lays on my shoulder and she breaths a content sigh, I lay my head atop hers. "That first night?" I hold her tightly. "It wasn't an accident," I look down feeling ashamed and disgusted by my own actions.

"What do you mean it wasn't an accident?" He voice hinting pain and slight anger.

"It would've been Taylor or even Carter who showed up to do all of that with you," I sigh.

"Why was it you?" She questions in a shaky tone. My heart melts a little.

"Now baby," I try and calm her. "This is gonna sound really really bad," I kiss her forehead.

"Answer my question," she speaks a little impatiently and I sigh.

"I pulled the short straw," I swallow.

"I was just a game?" She gasps seeming much more hurt than I intended, or expected.

"No princess, well yes. You were than but not now, not anymore." The camera crew has been here the whole time and even if they weren't they have cameras around our room.

"How do I know that?" She huffs trying to move away.

"I-I don't know, because you trust me?" I plead a little.

"How am I supposed to trust you now?" She lets hurt fill her voice and her head falls against my shoulder.

"I don't know princess, but I want you to know I really do love you," I explain. "And even if it started off as a loss I won in the end because I got you, and I got my kids, I got my happiness and it's all because I pulled a short straw." I kiss her cheek as she cries gently on my shoulder. "I wouldn't change anything that happened, even if it was a jerk move I got you and it's all with it," she kisses my cheek and wipes her eyes.

"Thank you for being honest," she laces our fingers together. "Even if it did take you this long," her eyes rolls playfully and she laughs quietly. "I hate you a little but I've never been more proud," Becky throws her hands in the air as if we were idiots who didn't know any things.

"Why are you so proud? I lied to you," I pout giving her a look of confusion.

"You told me the truth," she smiles. "You never do that," she teases.

"Never," I giggle kissing her. She smiles falling back onto the bed letting me fall on top of her. "God," she whines pulling away. "Who do you want?" She sighs.

"I don't care," I shrug. She walks straight for Mercy and Jericho.

"Hi," she flicks the lights on. "What's wrong?" She holds her arms out pouting gently. "Are you hungry," she lifts Jericho first. Kissing his cheek before looking at a still sleeping Mercy. I chuckle and lift Adam out of his crib setting him on the ground and letting him waddle around.

"Hi baby," I take Kaiden into my arms and hug him. He calms down quite a bit but still cries as I try to silence him.

"There you go," she smiles as Jericho begins feeding.

"Someone's stinky," I check Kaiden's diaper. "Someone's stinky," I shake my head at him kissing his cheeks.


"There are bottles in the fridge," she nods. "If Mercy starts crying to will the boys, but she can be calmed down easily usually by food." She looks to me to see if she missed anything.

"And Adam shouldn't wake up but if he does than he just wants to cuddle," I nod. "There are two monitors one goes to Adams room the other is for the triplets." I sigh a little. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" I bite my lip.

"We'll stay home, it's no problem," she rapidly shakes her head.

"You're nineteen, you're married and you have four kids," my mom crosses her arms.

"Under normal circumstances you'd be in huge trouble," her mom chimes.

"But, because of everything happening with you two it's still not ok but it's happened and regardless you're still teenagers, you deserve to be teenagers." They nod. A soft wail comes from upstairs and we both look at each other before we look at our parents.

"We've got it," her dad nods.

"We won't be out too late, emergency contacts are on the fridge," she calls as they shut the door.

"They'll be alright," I nod trying to convince both of us.

"They'll be alright," we say in unison. Her hand holds mine and we get into the car waiting to take us to the club. Her head lays on my shoulder and I kiss her forehead.

"Where are we going?" She questions softly.

"I don't know," I shrug. "They gave the driver the instructions and didn't tell me anything more than what they told you." I kiss her forehead again. The car stops abruptly and the door opens we get out and walk into the restaurant.

"Right this way," a waiter nods before either of us even open our mouths. We sit at a small table set up for two in a corner lit up by candles with rose petals scattered across the floor around us, each of us with a glass of champagne and paparazzi crowding the window where we sit. She send me a smile and I give her one back holding both of her hands across the table. She scans the menu for the both of us.

"What do you think of the crab tortellini?" She looks at me.

"Sure," I nod.

"I'm gonna get the same," she winks giggling ever so slightly. I take the menus and set them together on the edge of the table I sip at the bubbly beverage as does she.

"You know what?" I smile at her. "I do miss the kids," I chuckle. "But it's really nice to get to spend time with you," I lean forward and so does she letting our lips meet.

"Happy anniversary," she whispers pulling away.

"Happy anniversary," I smile.

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