Chapter Ninty Five

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"So where are you going again?" She questions with a little force trying to get it out of me.

"Somewhere, I can't tell you but you're gonna like it, ok?" I smile a little kissing her softly.

"Shawn," she whines as I skip down the stairs.

"It'll only be thirty minutes at most." I pout a little. "I promise," I kiss her forehead.

"What are you doing?" She pouts.

"I can't tell you," I kiss her again softly. "But I'll be back soon, I promise you're gonna like it," I giggle.

"Shawn," she whines.

"They're all asleep and I'll be home before they wake up," I hug her softly. "It won't be long I promise," I smile squeezing her softly.

"Shawn," she huffs.

"It'll just be you and me when I get back?" I kiss at her neck.

"Shawn," her hands fall against my chest.

"We could cuddle all day if you want," I trail on. "I'll do everything for the kids for the rest of the day," it always excluded feeding because that's something only their mama could do.

"Hurry back ok?" She traces lazy shapes against my skin.

"I promise," I smile kissing her cheek.

"And be careful," she follows as I walk towards the door.

"Mhm," I nod grabbing a light coat and my keys.

"And," I cut her off.

"I'll be fine," my eyes roll.

"Alright, drive carefully." She kisses my cheek quickly. "I love you," she smiles walking towards the kitchen.

"Love you too," I wave and giggle.

"Mercy," she groans as I shut the door making my laugh a little while I get into my car. I am to go see Ian and Chrissy to get a bunch of extra pictures and such from random occasions that they had created specifically for our wedding anniversary and we're going to give to us yesterday but we got back so late they didn't bother.

Reese's POV

"Mercy," I shake my head and make my way towards her. "You're gonna wake the boys," I lay her on the pillow calming her almost instantly as she know food is coming. "You little bugger," I roll my eyes and begin feeding her. She eats calms staring at her surrounding while doing so. "You're such a calm little girl aren't you?" I smile running my finger over her cheek.

"Mama," Adam whines.

"I'm coming baby," I sigh holding Mercy against my chest so she can still feed while I go to check on Adam. "What's wrong?" I sigh watching Mercy intently.

"Mama," he whines holding his arms up.

"You want out?" I sigh a little. "Can you wait a minute?" I look down at Mercy as does her, he gives me a confused look. "She needs to eat babe," I kiss his forehead. She stops feeding and I burp her gently using the burp cloth I never take off of my shoulder. I put her in the crib next to Adam and he stares at her pointing and giving me a weird look. "Mercy?" I giggle lifting him up. "Baby sister?" I kiss his cheek. "Can you say Mercy?" I giggle.

"Mmm," he hums trying to spit out her name.

"What about Jericho?" I giggle.

"Jer," he draws out but says nothing more.

"Kaiden?" I giggle.

"Kay," he blinks simply.

"Mercy," I smile at him as he looks at the little girl asleep in his bed.

"Mercy," he breaths making me smile.

"Mercy," I nod kissing his cheek as a reward. I set him on the ground and he just stands next to me waiting. I grab Mercy and carry her to her room Adam follows me the whole way even running ahead of me in the hall and into the babies room as if he was afraid. I just chuckle and lay Mercy in her crib before grabbing Adam and carrying him down the stairs. "Wanna play baby?" I sit down and pull out his toys. He jumps in excitement and I smile handing him some toy and playing with him. We stack towers and he knocks them down, we play with his cars but our play time is cut short by a phone call. One that I hadn't expected to receive, ever.

"Reese Mendes?" What seems to be a police office questions.

"This is she," I nod.

"There's been an issue with your husband,"

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