Chapter Thirty Nine

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Shawn: Happy birthday princess😘❤️ sorry I can't be there right now but I have some surprises for you this is the first of many a clues. I want you to go downstairs and find Ian who should be in the kitchen. Once you find him he will give you the second clue. I love you princess and I'll see you in the end 😘 P.S. Merry Christmas

I smile at the message and change into some clothes quickly before waddling excitedly down the stairs.

"Happy birthday," Ian smiles. "And merry Christmas," he chuckles. I smile butting down on an apple and pouring myself some water.

"Thank you," I giggle.

"You want the clue?" He smiles. I nod my head frantically. "Wait for Brooke." He winks teasingly and I groan loudly. Sydney had to fly out to go visit her family in Alberta for Christmas. I hear a knock at the door. Giggling I run to the door opening it with a squeal before Ian handed me the clue.

"Hey Reese, happy birthday and Merry Christmas." Brooke chuckles as I read the clue.

You have now the second of nine just look out the door and there you will find the clue that you seek.

I smile and Brooke chuckles.

"Thanks for coming," I smile hugging them each.

"Wouldn't have missed this," Brooke shakes we head beginning to record me. I open the door walking outside. I gasp and my mouth hangs agape as I look at the white limo. She smiles and leads me towards it. I place a hand on my stomach as we sit down in the white limo. I grab the card off of the seat and open it. 

The third of nine I'm glad you've made it this far. The car will take you to the jewelry shop that you love there you will find the fourth clue and the bracelet you've been eyeing for a little while along with some other little things I thought you might like.

Smiling at the note I fold the card up again placing it in my bag. Walking into the deserted jewelry store with Brooke following I smile at the sight of the gold chained bracelet I have wanted for years. The store clerk handed it to me and I smile thanking her.

Clue number five, if you go back out towards the car he will bring you back home. Inside your home another clue awaits. So go to your room and make yourself up as you wish before exiting with the clue in pure bliss.

I chuckle at his cheesy and stupid rhymes as we pull up to the house. Brooke leads me in and up to my room where I put on the outfit that he has chosen before slipping on the jewelry. I put on very light makeup consisting mainly of mascara and a light but of eyeliner with some lipstick to finish it off. I grab the next clue.

Card number six, this car will take you yet again to a house a home to us now and again. It will lead you right to my front door, Aaliyah has the clue for you good luck my dear I'll see you soon.

I smile and walk into the car but not before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and placing the note in my bag.

"You look nervous," Brooke chuckles.

"I am a little nervous but it's more excited. I can't wait to see what he's making me do this for." I smile as the car pulls up outside of his parents' house. I smile as Brooke follows me the whole way recording everything that I do. I knock softly on the door.

"Hello Reese," his dad smiles at me giving me a hug. "Happy birthday, and merry Christmas," he leads me into the house.

"Thank you so much," I smile nodding slightly. "Do you know where Aaliyah is?" I look around.

"Aaliyah," he smiles an yells.

"She's here," she gasps grabbing the card and running to me. "Can I come?" She begs much like Shawn.

"Of corse you can," I smile reading the card.

Two more clues you have yet to find, so now I ask you for the final time to get into the car which will take you away and soon you will find me hiding away.

I push it into my bag and lead Aaliyah to the car. She smiles and giggles slightly. Adam kicks and I smile running my hands over my bump.

"Soon baby, I promise," I whisper. Soon we arrive at the house Ian and I have been looking at. I see the note taped to the front door and grab it.

Eight of nine you're almost done. I hope you like my gift to you this house is what I got for you. I hope you like it as much as I do and maybe I'll move in with you. Now in the kitchen you will find the final clue of all the nine.

I smile giggling slightly but feeling almost angry at him for having bought this house. I slide off my shoes leaving them on the mat at the side. I waddle my way to the kitchen seeing the final note laying on the counter in a mountain of roses.

Follow the trail and me you will find. The roses know where you're going so follow carefully because do the showing I can't wait to see you angry and all and I hope you enjoy what I have set up.

Aaliyah grabs my arm and I smile as we walk up the stairs. I watch the roses twist and turn until finally I am lead towards a huge heart formed on the ground and standing in front of me Shawn. My beloved Shawn.

"Wow princess you look amazing," he smile.

"You look gorgeous," I smile at him.

"Reese," he smiles holding my hands in his. "There is so many things I want to say to you," he sighs of content. "You are so pretty, and loving, gentile, caring, sweet I could go on for hours." He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "I am so thankful and so lucky you gave me a second third fifth and probably even a seventh chance to be with you. To be the one you call yours, and I know I mess up a lot and I know I'm a lot to deal with but I want you to know I love you with all of my heart and I want to give you everything I can. I want to do everything for you and I want to be the only person you will ever need or want. So I ask you here on this specialist of days Reese Cameron Matthews," he gets down on one knee in front of me holding a small black velvet box. I can't stop my tears. "Will you marry me?" He looks up at me very hopefully. I can't speak words don't form and even when I try nothing comes out.

"Yes," I finally breath and he smiles standing wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you baby girl," he slides the ring onto my finger and I cry more. He kisses my forehead and hugs me.

"I love you too," I mumble through the tears.

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