Chapter Thirty Six

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My eyes pop open and I see Zander laying normally next to me and no one else around. The room is dark and I sigh falling back onto the bed.

"Is something wrong babe?" Zander sits up.

"No," I sigh as he plants a kiss on my lips. "Bad dream that's all," I nod and he pouts.

"I've got you," he giggles wrapping his arms around me. "You don't have to be afraid." He kisses my cheek. I smile laying back down and cuddling farther into him. I feel some sort of guilt as if I've completely betrayed Shawn.


"You ready princess?" Zander stands at the door.

"Mhm," I nod walking towards him.

"Hi baby," he kneels and whispers. "I'm gonna be your daddy," he smiles.

"Step daddy," I whisper.

"What?" He looks up and pouts.

"Shawn deserves to be a part of his life." I look down.

"He's just been a jerk to you and you still want him in your poor child's life?" He gives me a weird look.

"He deserves to be, he made him Zander and he's been with me for most of it," I brush my fingers through his hair.

"Well now it's me," he stands and kisses my forehead.

"What if he wants to come to the birth? Will you be ok with that?" I give him a serious look. "You know what let's stay in today and discuss this." I lead him to the couch.

"I don't want him at the birth," he shakes his head. "Adam deserves better," he shrugs.

"But he also deserves to know his bio logical father." I contemplate.

"Not if his biological father is a b I t c h," he spells rather then saying it.

"Ok so say he doesn't come to the birth will you be ok if after I text him and he wants to come and see?" I grab one of his hands.

"Reese," he sighs. "I want nothing to do with him,"

"Ok," I nod simply as the doorbell rings. "I've got it," I stand and walk towards the door.

"Hey Reese," Sydney and Brooke exclaim.

"Hey girls," I smile. The boys behind them walk in and soon Shawn walks in looking me up and down before nodding and walking away. I shrug and walk back towards Zander.

"Who was that?" He tenses looking at Shawn.

"That's the baby's biological father," I explain. He stands grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him. "Zander what are you doing?" I gasp slightly from the sudden shock of standing so quickly.

"Come on let go talk," he smiles a fake smile. I sigh and follow him knowing where this is gonna go.

"Oh guys," Ian notices us and stops the conversation. "This is Reese and her boyfriend Zander," he smiles. Shawn instantly tenses and I sit down. Zander's lips crash against mine and my eyes sit open in shock while he kisses me. Shawn chuckles slightly and begins talking with the others.

"Hey Reese," Shawn smiles after Zander pulls away. "How're you doing?" He smiles hugging me. I take in a deep breath confused at his actions.

"I'm good," I nod as he pulls out of the hug. "How are you?" I return the gesture.

"I'm ok I guess," he shrugs. "I miss you," he sighs looking at Zander. "But I'm happy for you," he smiles kissing my cheek. "Hi baby," he bends slightly talking to my bump. "It's been a while hasn't it," he smiles at his kick. "Yeah I know," he places his hands on either side. "I miss you," he whispers. "And I promise I'm gonna be the best daddy out there," he kisses my bump. "I promise," he looks up and me.

"That's enough of that," Zander pushes him away.

"Ok," he nods simply walking back into the crowd.

"Zander," I scold.

"What?" He shrugs.

"He's trying to connect with his son," I cross my arms.

"His son is in a womb," he retorts.

"You talk to him," I scoff. "What's the difference,"

"The difference is that I actually have a chance of being in his life." He rolls his eyes.

"No actually you don't," I shake my head hopping off of the chair.

"Reese come on," he groans.

"No, listen Zander," I sigh. "I miss took this," I sigh. "I love Shawn," I point. "Even if he is a grade A idiot," I smile at the floor. "I mistook excitement and infatuation for love," I sigh. "Zander you're a great person but I can't be with you," I sigh. "I'm sorry," he gasps like Katrina did when Shawn dumps her and walks out. Shawn smiles at me from the other side of the kitchen.

"You love me?" He walks towards me as I sit down again.

"With all of my heart," I smile kissing his lips.

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