Chapter One Hundred & Fourteen

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"Hi Mercy," I smile at her kissing the little girl's cheek. Reese holds Kaiden and Jericho as we prepare for her doctors appointment. Adam had gone to get himself dressed which he's convinced he can do now.

"Mama," Adam squeals, all you hear after is a thud and soon after he toddles into the room. "I'm stuck," he pouts, his head and arms in his shirt but his his head unable to pull through. She sets the boy's down and they waddle around finding their toys.

"There you go," Reese smiles as she pulls his head through. "How's that sweetie pie?" She kisses his forehead lifting him briefly before setting him back down and leading them down the stairs. Mercy refuses to leave my side.
She barely knew who I was and when her mama started crying when she was with me she got protective, so did they all. Now they somewhat understand that I'm not leaving so they've started getting more used to me but Mercy loves hanging out with me. She likes the nicknames I give her.

"Where are we going?" Adam questions.

"Mamas got a doctor's appointment," she explains helping the littler boy's with their shoes.

"Ok," he nods asking no further questions.

"The strollers are in the trunk right?" She turns to me after doing up the boys' jackets and starting to help Adam.

"They should be I never took them out," I shrug at her and she nods zipping the little boy's jacket before sticking a hat on each of their heads. She then slides into her own winter wear. "Princess?" I whisper to her.

"Yeah?" She turns back to me as she slides her jacket on.

"You've gotta go back to modelling," I plead. "You loved it so much and I can't let you quit," I shake my head looking at all of our little kids. Adam holds his brothers' hands and smiles at us as if to say he's ready. I put Mercy down and she waddles towards Kaiden holding his hand as best she can while waiting for us.

"I did," she nods looking at the kids and giving Mercy a hat as well. "But I can't now," she shakes her head at me kissing my cheek. "I'll find a local job," she nods at me. "And when you're gone I'll find someone to watch the kids so I can work too," she reassures.

"I want you to do what makes you happy darling," I slide my jacket on and she leads the kids out wearing her grey beanie and her black jacket.

"Dada," Mercy giggles as she waits for me.

"Yeah baby girl," I lift her with a smile. She kisses my cheek and I smile wider. "Thank you," I kiss her soft cheek in return.

"Cold," she shivers a little and I chuckle putting her in her car seat.

"I know baby," I kiss her forehead and she giggles again. "Look at my boys," I smile ruffling their hair. Adam pouts in the back looking quite left out. "I didn't forget you," I smile at him. "I just can't reach you," I wink making him perk up slightly. Reese sits in the passengers seat with her head against the window. "We should probably go," I chuckle closing the door and getting into the front.

"I can go alone," she blinks at me with a faked reassuring smile.

"Yeah but I don't want you to," I roll my eyes and grab onto her hand. "Everything's gonna be fine," I reassure as we drive the short distance to our local hospital.

"Daddy," Jericho mumbles.

"Yes babe?" I smile.

"What wrong?" Kaiden finishes for him.

"Mamas sick," I explain weakly looking down slightly.

"We're going so mama can get better," she quickly steps in as not to upset our young children.

"Ok," they nod slightly. For little kids they're really smart. We drive in silence the rest of the way to her cancer centre.

"Reese Mendes," she swallows pulling the card from her purse.

"This way," she nods giving us a smile. She holds tightly onto two of our boys as we walk.

"You're ok," I whisper in her ear and she nods not completely certain. We just follow the nurse.

"The doctor will be in momentarily." She nods at us flicking on a light and then leaving us in silence. Kaiden and Jericho cuddle into their mothers shoulders. Adam lays his head lazily against my shoulder. Even if his smiling, crying and even speaking has developed he still moves slowly,  has a slight lisp, his eyes droop a little and he can't close them completely when he's blinking either.

"Hello, Mendes family." The doctor walks in grabbing a clipboard and a box of what seems to be needles.

"Mama?" The boy's seem even more scared as they cling tighter looking at the sharp objects.

"Maybe you'll wanna put them down." She nods and Reese shakes her head.

"They're alright," she nods kissing their cheeks.

"Well just in case, wouldn't want anything bad happening to them."


"I have what again?" We lay together in bed. We had gone out for diner as I didn't want to cook and I'm sure she didn't either.

"Leukaemia," I kiss her forehead trying to reassure the situation.

"Leukaemia," she nods a little before she bursts into tears. "I don't know how it happened," she sobs.

"Hey," I run my hand up and down her arm. "It's ok," I kiss her temple.

"What if I die Shawn?" She sniffs giving her nee big dough eyes.

"We can't focus on the what ifs darling," I deflect the question.

"And what am I gonna have to do now? All of the medications all of the chemo therapy I'm gonna loose my hair again." She cries against my shoulder and I bring her onto my lap.

"Listen baby," I kiss her cheek and rock slightly back and forth. "You don't need to worry about all of that stuff yet," I kiss her head. "All you gotta do is stay alive,"  I kiss her forehead.

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