Chapter One Hundred and Three

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I watch Shawn play with Adam. His hands holding onto the blocks Adam will grab only to hand to him. He sits on the couch while I sip some tea. I lean against the doorframe and smile when Adam then begins taking the blocks from his father to build a tower. When he's done her crawls onto Shawn's lap to admire his work. He holds his hand up for a high five which he's quickly given before Shawn pecks his head and stands up carrying the little boy with him towards me. "Hi baby," I smile kissing Adam gently. "Good morning darling," my arms wrap around his neck in a kiss.

"Good morning," he smiles deepening the kiss. He sets Adam down but like usual he doesn't move he just stares at us, probably confused. Our tongues meet with much force bringing a smile to both of our faces. After last night the both of us are seemingly closer.

"You want some breakfast?" I smile pulling back.

"Are you included on the menu?" He smirks kissing me again.

"Shawn," I giggle a little. "Adams right there," my hands fall on his chest.

"I know," he smiles licking my lip for entrance which I deny.

"Someone wants to be a bad girl today huh?" He whisper kissing me harder.

"Only for you," I lick his teeth gently.

"Daddy, mama," Adam whines a little.

"Just a second," Shawn whines as I pull away.

"What's wrong baby?"  I roll my eyes at Shawn. He shakes his head between the tow of us pushing us apart. "You don't like it when we do that do you," I sigh kissing his cheek and setting him in his high chair.

"Hey baby girl," he kisses my temple as I prepare Adams baby food.

"Hmm?" I smile pouring some of the baby food into a bowl before shutting the jar and walking towards Adam. I smile at him.

"Would you be mad if I went out tonight?" He bites his lip. "Just with Geoff and Jeff," he explains. "I think Ian's going too," he smiles innocently.

"Sure," I nod. "I'll just call Nathan, maybe I'll call Aaliyah and she can hang out for a bit," I smile.

"Would you?" He smiles at me. "I never see her anymore, I'd love it if she could spend some time with us, get to know you better maybe?" He kisses my forehead. "Awe princess that would mean everything to me,"

"Alright, call her for me," I smile at her. "She can spend the night if she wants," I shrug.

"Thank you," he kisses my softly. "Thank you so much," he whispers.

"But I don't want you drinking if you're gonna drive home," I point.

"I'll take a car," he smiles.

"And if you're coming home before nine I don't want you drunk," I point again.

"How about ten?" He smiles a little. I chuckle back beginning to feed Adam. A scream erupts from the monitor.

"My guess is Kaiden," I smile.

"I say Jericho," Shawn shrugs.

"Who do you think Adam?" I smile.

"Mercy," he says the only one of the names he know and could even remotely say. Shawn skips up the stairs and to go get whoever is screaming. He comes back down with a smile as I wipe the food from Adams cheeks.

"We were both wrong," he chuckles at me.

"Mercy," Adam reaches for his sister.

"Mercy's hungry," I smile taking her into my arms. "Isn't that right pumpkin?" I carry her off. The cameras are always around no matter what and sometimes Adam hates it other times he walks around like I would in a fashion show. I get the feeding pillow ready and try to calm her a little before I start feeding her. When she eats she's quiet and even after until the next time she wakes up.

"Come on," Shawn takes him out of the high chair and towards his toys. He sets him on the ground but he has no interest in any of the toys he just wants to see his little sister. He sits on the couch next to me and watches her eat he just waits patiently crawling onto the couch and leaning against my arm.

"Mercy," he smiles.


"It's quiet," Aaliyah smiles at me as we sit watching the movie together.

"I know, it never happens," I smile as she leans against my shoulder.

"So how's living with my brother?" She chuckles a little. "Fourteen years with him and still I can't stand it," she giggles.

"He's alright," I smile squeezing her a little. "Most of the time." I smile nudging her gently.

"I know how you feel," she breaths with a smile.

"But even if he is an idiot, he loves you," I explain. "He never stops talking about you, and how much he misses you," I smile at her.

"I miss the dork too sometimes," she chuckles. "I wish he would've stayed tonight," she sighs moving herself farther against me. "But I've got you and you're pretty cool too." She smiles.

"He would've stayed," I explain. "But he wanted to go out with his friends and I wanted him to be a teenager for a day you know what I mean?" I question and she shrugs.

"Not really but kinda," she smiles. "You guys have kids and stuff so you don't get to go out as much so you want him to go out again so he can experience the teenage life," she nods.

"Exactly." I smile hugging her. A car pulls up and they honk the horn. "I'm gonna assume they've got a drunk Shawn onboard." I wink and she smiles.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, goodnight," she smiles kissing my cheek before running up the stairs. I smile at her adding a,

"Goodnight," before walking out to get Shawn.

"Hi princess," he slurs.

"He got a little drunk," Ian winks. "You're coming over tomorrow to help him with his hangover," I roll my eyes.

"I'm not gonna help your husband but I will come over, it'll be a date," he winks again. "I'll pick you up around two." He smiles while I laugh a little.

"Bring Chrissy we'll have fun," I smile helping Shawn out of the car.

"Princess?" He slurs again.

"What's up?" I smile.

"You look really pretty," he smiles drunkly as I lug him into the house.

"Thank you baby you look adorable," I smile. He drags his feet behind him as I lead him into the house. "Here," I hand him a pull which is supposed to stop hangover.

"What is it?" He giggles.

"Try it," I smile. "I think you'll like it," I give him a little giggle afterwards. He nods simply planting a kiss on my lip after swallowing his pill. "Good boy," I smile shutting off the lights.

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