Chapter Ninty

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Three months later

"One more months till my babies get here," I whisper running my finger over my bump. Shawn won't let me work anymore because he think I'm gonna start stressing out and I'm gonna go into labour like that and he wants everything to be natural.

"My babies too," he hands me a plate with more food than his.

"Why do you do this to me?" I sigh.

"What?" He giggles.

"You give me so much food, you make me feel fat," I huff.

"Well you're not princess, I just wanna make our babies fat," he touches my hair. "You're almost there," he kisses me gently. My hair is about the length of a bob which is alright, it's been growing really fast which I'm happy about.

"Almost there," he plants a kiss on my lips using a little bit of tongue with me the door opens and he pulls away with a smile to see who it is. His dad along with mine.

"Hi," I smile as Shawn lifts Adam to say hi to his grandfathers.

"You really are getting bigger." They smile as I stand up.

"Yeah," I smile. "The nurse says I'm a little small to be carrying triplets," I chuckle they both side hug me afraid of standing in front of me.

"That's why I'm trying to get you fat," he kisses my cheek.

"How've you guys been, I feel like we never talk," I pout at our dads. "Can I get you anything?" I smile making Shawn scoff.

"You can stay there while I go," he rolls his eyes.

"Passive aggressive smurf over there won't let me do anything," I huff and Shawn smiles making me lay back down on the couch.

"I'm not passive aggressive." He kisses my forehead.

"Well you're not nice," I huff. "He's so annoying," I cross my arms. "Is there anything you need?" I smile while Shawn kneels next to my bump laying his head on my chest.

"No, we just wanted to see how things were going," they smile. "But looks like passive aggressive's got this under control." They chuckle pointing.

"Ok," I nod.

"We'll come back and check in tomorrow," they smile walking out.

"Alright," I nod waving as they shut the door.

"Hi babies," he whispers moving my shirt. "His Precious, hi Jericho, hi Masson," he whispers to the bump.

"That's not what we agreed on?" I cross my arms.

"But isn't it cute," he smiles kissing the bump three time. One for each child. "I like the name Precious for a girl." He smiles. "My baby girl," he kisses it again.

"Well maybe but we've gotta agree first." I giggle.

"I agree, and so do they, we have the upper hand," he smiles.

"Shawn," I whine.

"I'm just kidding darling, we'll list names and talk about it later." He stands and plants a kiss on my lips. "Now eat," he rolls his eyes and points at my plate.


"Are you ok?" He kisses my cheek.

"I'm fine," I nod breathing out.

"Liar," he rolls his eyes. He had just helped me up the stairs and honestly it's the worst part of my day.

"It's hard," I sigh as he leads me slowly to the room.

"Lay down," he kisses my forehead and sighs.

"I'm ok Shawn," I nod.

"I know, but there's three of them, and exercise is important. If you want them to be healthy," he grabs some of his clothes, the only things that'll fit me.

"I want healthy babies as much as you do, but it's so hard Shawn," I sigh.

"I know, I know, you're very brave princess." He traces my hair line and proceeds to change me into his clothes. "Not many people want four kids," he kisses me gently.

"I know," I nod. "It's a lot, but I want all four of my babies to be here, I don't care how." I shake my head.

"I love you," he kisses me again. "And I hope you know that," he pulls back and sighs of content.

"I love you too," I wrap my arms around his neck. "Hello," I shift a little.

"What's wrong?" He holds my hand tightly.

"Someone's kicking me," I chuckle. "And you're not very gentile are you?" I whisper to my bump.

"Don't hurt your mommy," Shawn laughs quietly at me. "She's doing a lot for you," he whispers.

"So are you," I roll my eyes. "You painted their room," I smile. "And you painted one section specially for our baby girl," I smile letting him touch my bump. He grabs either side holding onto it and smiling.

"These are our babies,"

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