Chapter Forty Two

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Shawn nods at me to go in with Adam. He lay asleep in my arms. Today they are to run a few tests on him and so need to put him to sleep. I have never been strong enough to go in with him so Shawn usually does it, but today I want to go, I want to support my baby boy.

"Alright so I'll just hold this close to his face," the doctor nods at me bringing a tube connected to a large tank of gas towards his face. They let him inhale for a bit before two more nurses come in to take him from my arms. A third tries to decide weather or not to give him a pillow. "You can stay if you'd like," the doctor smiles. I look at him and a tear falls. I look all around the room trying to to cry but I fail and stand walking out. Shawn being as he is, is waiting for me already by the door.

"They took him from me," I cry on his shoulder. "They just took him." I sniff.

"I know baby but he needs to get better," Shawn sighs. "I cry every time too," he whispers to me. "That's why I always stay till the end," he whispers to me. "It's hard watching it happen to him princess, I know," he kisses my forehead. "But then you realize all that they're doing is finding us a diagnosis, so even if it does seem selfish right now we can help him in the future." He reassures.

"Thank you," I hold my head on his shoulder while he sways us back and forth.

"Anytime," he smiles. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull away from him.

"It's work," I sniff wiping my eyes. "Will you hate me?" I pout and he chuckles shaking his head. Recently I got a new job with 'People' magazine which pays more than my other job and I enjoy so much more. "Hello," I wipe my last tear.

"Reese hi," my boss sighs. "I tried your house phone but you never picked up,"

"I'm sorry my son has a doctors appointment," I lick my lips. "Why do you need me?"

"No, no it's ok. I can get someone else to do it," she nods, she is the only person I work with who knows about Adams disabilities she's even met him.

"Are you sure, my boyfriends here, he can take Adam home." I bite my lip.

"No it's ok," she nods. "But we need next weeks article soon," she chuckles.

"Thank you," I smile widely.

"Mhm now go," she rolls her eyes and hangs up the phone so I can no longer protest.

"They say he'll be out soon," Shawn smiles. "And that by the time they bring him out his anesthesia should be warn off." He kisses my cheek. "So we're gonna have a grumpy baby," he imitates Adams grumpy face. Shawn leads me into his room where he lays awake. He moans in what I'm assuming is pain making various other noises I can't explain.

"Here," Shawn takes him from me trying to get him into his jacket while I do the same with his shoes and pants which they had to remove. Shawn leaves him shirtless finding that the struggle would be too great.

"Hi baby," I take him into my arms. "Sh, sh, sh, I know." I kiss the side of his head and Shawn hands him his blanket. He lays his head on my shoulder but continues his moaning.

"You sleepy?" Shawn pouts. "You want a nap." He chuckles. "Princess I'll drive and you can sit in the back with him," he smiles at me.

"Alright," I nod. "Thank you," I smile. I sit him in his car seat and get in next to him.

"What did Chrissy want?" Shawn says referring to my boss.

"I don't know she said to forget about it and she'd get someone else to do it," he shrugs. "But I have to finish my article for next week," I shrug.

"Ok," he nods. I kiss Adams forehead and take his small hand in mine.

"Poor baby's grumpy and tired." I giggle playing with his fingers. Shawn imitates his grumpy face making me laugh and Adam moan louder.

"Ok, ok," Shawn chuckles, "I'll stop,"

"When we get home I have to finish my article," I kiss Adams cheek.

"That means it's just you and me baby," Shawn chuckles at Adam who seems angry at him. "Maybe uncle Ian too," he giggles. "We'll see,"

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